Harry Falls Ill

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"Harry's...not well."

Lynette felt herself freeze. "I don't understand. Not well? What happened?"

Lynette heard Anne sigh on the other end. "Lyn, dear. Did he not tell you in the past few days that he'd gotten ill?"

Lynette faltered. "N-no. He texted me yesterday and said he was fine and looking forward to Christmas Day."

"Harry-he tends to downplay these things. He was hospitalized a couple of days after you went home. And then last night, he took a turn for the worse and they put him on a ventilator. He suddenly couldn't breathe and it was so scary and I just-" Anne's voice caught. "I just thought I should tell you since he couldn't. My son talks about you so much, you know."

Lynette felt like something had crashed into her and knocked the wind out of her lungs. She sat heavily down on the bed and managed to croak, "I-what? Where are you?"

"We're at the University Hospital of South Manchester, Wythenshawe Hospital. They transferred him here two days ago from Cheshire's Warrington Hospital when he got really sick."

"Anne, I'm going to hang up. I'm coming," Lynette whispered. She didn't think she could trust her voice. Anne seemed too drained to even protest and Lynette ended the call in a slight daze.

She walked into the dining room slowly, feeling as if, any moment, her legs would give way.

"Mum? Dad? I-I need to go."

"Lynette? Lynette honey, are you ok? You look pale." Lynette's mother immediately stood up to grab her arm.

"Harry-he's really sick and I need to go." It seemed that she could only really form one coherent thought. "I need to go to him."

Her parents' eyes widened. "Harry? What happened? What are you doing?"

Lynette swallowed. Everything suddenly felt too bright and too loud. "Harry's mum called. He's on a vent, dad. And I need to go to the hospital where he is. If I don't, the thought of him-" she paused and shuddered. "It'll drive me mad."

Her mother glanced at the darkening skies outside. "It's night, dear. And it's Christmas Day. Are you sure?"

"Let her go, Rose," Lynette's father said softly to his wife, placing a hand on her shoulders. "I think Lyn has to."

Looking at Lynette, her father got up. "I'll drive you to the station and you just go pack some essentials."

Lynette nodded mutely and dashed off, rejoining her dad outside with a small bag and a warm coat.

The drive to the train station was uncomfortably silent. Finally, they arrived at the stop and Lynette rushed out of the car.

Her father caught her arm. "Lyn, you promised he was worth it. Be strong for him...and for yourself". He looked weary and let her leave.

Lynette could hardly remember the journey to Cheshire, but she did remember the desperate phone call to Anne which she made in the lobby of the hospital.

Anne sounded exhausted. "Lyn? I'm staying in the hospital tonight. What's going on?"

"You have to figure out how to let me see him, Anne. Please." Lynette's voice cracked. "I know it's past visitation hours."

Anne spoke quietly into the phone and Lynette could hear a faint beeps in the background. "I'll talk to the nurses, Lyn. Maybe they'll make an exception and let you stay the night too."

Lynette waited with bated breath while Anne went to find someone. She heard some murmured talking on the other end and then-

"Lyn, it's ok. Just walk up. We're in ICU room 203."

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