Hues of Blue

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Lynette's surprise roused Liam and Sara and they swiftly took care of waking everyone; it hardly took more than a "doctor's here" to get everyone's attention. There was an almighty scramble as the whole group congregated around the two doctors and settled down expectantly.

The doctors seemed a little overwhelmed. "I presume you are all here for Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?"

Johannah spoke up, "I'm Louis' mother, Jay, and this," she placed a comforting hand on Anne's shoulder, "is Harry's mum. How are our boys?"

The doctors composed themselves. One of them stepped forward and shook Jay and Anne's hands.  "I'm Doctor Richards and this is Doctor Franklin. We are the lead transplant doctors for your sons," he said very professionally.

He continued softly. "The surgery was successful," there was a collective sigh of relief, "but there were some complications."

Lynette found her voice and swallowed. "What were the complications?"

"The donor liver operation done in a timely manner and the patient, Louis Tomlinson, is currently resting up in the outpatient ward 104. He'll be here for at a week for observation, but we expect a speedy recovery." Doctor Richards paused and took a deep breath.

The other doctor spoke up, gesturing to the chairs in the waiting room. "Would you all like to sit down?"

Lynette stared wide-eyed at Sara as the group scrambled for a seat.  Dr. Franklin waited patiently until the bustle had settled down.

"The operation on Mr. Styles did not go very smoothly," he began. "He underwent surgery having already sustained significant organ damage and the transplant operation was difficult."

He paused briefly and then continued. "He hemorrhaged severely in the first half of surgery and, although we were able to control the bleeding, the operation took a toll on his vitals."

"What does that mean?" Liam asked quietly.

Dr. Richards folded his hands together. "He coded several times on the table, and although we were able to bring him back, he is very unstable at the moment." He let out a breath. We would like you to be prepared before you see him."

There was long silence as the doctor stopped talking and Lynette felt Sara's hands grip around her own. The second doctor stood up and spoke quietly.

"Now, I know this has been a difficult wait for all of you, but we have to restrict visitation on the patient at this time. We are asking that there be no more than two visitors at his bedside at a time."

Sara nodded politely beside Lynette and she thanked the two doctors. And then they left through the doors.

Lynette sank back into her chair and felt Liam's arms around her. "Hey, he's alive, Lyn. Please don't cry."

Lynettes breaths were quickening as she attempted to hold back her tears. Hanna rushed over and rubbed her back soothingly. Niall and Zayn sat quietly beside them, their expressions solemn.

Lynette searched for Anne in the groups of people and found her sobbing on Jay's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Anne was whispering over and over again. "You should see your son. Louis is still back there. I'll be ok."

Unfinished PerfectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin