Chapter Twenty-Two: Dinner

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At about six, Cameron, his mom, and his younger brother showed up at the house. My dad had called and said he wouldn't be joining us, which sucked. I mean if he were here he could see right through Cameron and beat him up or something. But no, he just gets to sit right across from me, and munch on the food my mom and I cooked. Speaking of moms, ours were just chatting away like Rachel and I used to. No thanks to Cameron, I haven't spent any time with her or Cody.

"Rebecca honey why are you so quiet?" My mom asked me when she took a break from talking so much with Cameron's mom.

"I'm just a little tired," I shrugged. "It's been a long day."

Cameron glanced up at me, that's the most he's done this whole time. In my opinion, he looks way more tired than I feel. He even seems a bit on edge too, and he isn't eating that much. Despite the little details, he still looked freakishy sexy as usual. He wore a black v-neck t-shirt that was tight on the sleeves due to his built arms. He'd have me as soon as those bad boys wrapped around me, which is why they won't. "Do you two have a lot of classes together?" Cameron's mom asked us.

"Four," I replied, "And lunch as well."

"Do you guys work together in class?" His younger brother Lucas asked me. I swear he was the most adorable kid ever. His hair was dirty blonde and really short, and he had cute chubby cheeks too.

"No not really, he's a bit of a jerk," I replied.

Our mom's laughed, and started up another conversation with each other. It wasn't until they started whispering things that we couldn't hear that I started getting suspicious. Just before I could ask them what they were talking about, Cameron sighed, "Hey mom can I go back home now?"

She frowned, "No way, you are staying right there. If you talked to sweet Rebecca, you wouldn't be so bored. And finish your food," she told him. Then she and my mom went back to their secret conversation. He rolled his eyes and took some more bites of his food. I just watched as he picked at the chicken and zoned out. Aren't guys supposed to be like pigs and eat everything?

"Is it gross or something?" I asked him just loud enough for us to hear.

He looked up at me again, and shook his head. "I'm just not hungry."

"I can tell. You look like a mess too by the way. Have you seen your hair?" I asked him. It was sticking up in some places and looked as if some girl had attacked it.

"I can't look irresistible all the time," he smirked. Ugh, what a douche.

"So you two went on a date last week. I heard a little about it but not hardly enough," Cameron's mom smiled as they turned their attention back to us. "Rebecca honey how was it?" She asked me.

Cameron sat up straighter and waited excitedly for my answer. "I-um. I guess it was okay. We just drank milkshakes at Dairy Queen and then went and saw a movie." I shrugged.

"What movie did you go see?" My mom asked. "Was it rated R or was it like a little kiddy movie?"

"Did you take her to go see Madagascar?" Luke asked Cameron with wide eyes. Why can't he be the one wanting to break my heart, at least he'd show some mercy?

"We saw The Woman In Black, it's that new horror movie that just came out." Cameron answered for me. "Let's just say Rebecca and I got pretty cuddly." He added.

I choked on some mashed potatoes, and our moms laughed. My cheeks were flaming red with anger at his stupid lie. "We did not cuddle at all." I told them. "There were just some scary scenes and-"

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