Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Kissing Booth

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Rachel was surprised when I told her that Cameron had asked the two of us to join him and his gang at the carnival. She asked me if it was his way of asking me out, again, but I told her it wasn't. Of course I'm not completely sure for myself, but whatever. In all honesty I was going to cancel going to this thing in the first place. It'd be too depressing, seeing couples walking around hand in hand, and popular girls with their large number of friends getting flirted with. 

Since I'll be hanging out with the man-whores I guess I don't have to be too jealous of that. Knowing them, Rachel and I will be hit on all night. Then to top it off, I have a shift later at the kissing booth, which by the way I didn't think they were going to go through with, the school that is. Cameron is definitely going to take full advantage of that. "There they are." Cody's voice said from behind us.

We turned around and faced the one and only man-whore gang. They weren't dressed up like I thought they'd be, in fact they were more casual than ever. I mean I guess guys don't ever really dress up, I just expected them to look sexified so they could make the girls come running. But they're just in jeans and t-shirts, nothing special at all. Not that it matters, they still looked gorgeous anyway. "Hey guys." Rachel smiled. She's been trying to get our two groups to get along as a way to help Cody not have to choose between the two of us.

"Looking sexy as always Rebecca," Patrick winked as they walked up to us. I don't know why, I'm dressed in casual clothes too. A light grey tube top, faded blue short shorts, a cardigan and cute tennis shoes.

"Whatever," I said as I rolled my eyes. Patrick wins at being the biggest whore of them all. Dylan came up to me and flung his arm over my shoulder. He smelt so good I thought I was going to die from inhaling such an intoxicating smell. Oh no, if he smells this nice that can only mean Cameron smells just as good if not better. "Alright guys, I call dibs on this one tonight." He told everyone. I could tell Rachel didn't like the sound of that, she was giving me the death glare...or maybe it was aimed for Dylan...haha.

"Like hell you will, she would prefer me I'm sure," Patrick replied, yanking Dylan off of me only to place himself there. Here we go with the flirting that I'd rather not be apart of.

Dylan stuck his tongue out at Patrick, but then made his way over to Rachel. "Fine, I'll take Rachel. She's just as hot if not more." He scoffed. As much as I wanted to believe he meant that, I faced facts and could tell he was just joking around. Rachel thought otherwise though I'm sure. She's going to be blabbing my ears off saying 'its a sign' or some crazy shit like that.

"How about both of you get off of them." Cody told them with a possessive tone. That's the first time I've heard him speak like that before. Instead of arguing, they both backed away from Rachel and I, and went back over to where Jack and Cameron were still standing. I hadn't noticed Cameron watching me the whole time, and he didn't look away until my eyes met his. Cody came over to me and Rachel and pulled us both to him. "These are my babes for the night." He joked.

It felt as if everyone had let out a sigh of relief since Cody wasn't angry or anything. He may not have as much muscle as the rest of the guys, but he can still kick ass if he wanted to. I've seen him fight once before and he was an animal. I was surprised when he didn't kick Tristan's butt at Pat's party during the time at the bowling alley.

"Well while you guys are being dumb-nuts, I'm going to go play some games.'' Cameron scoffed. Before we knew it he was already moving on, so we all followed of course. He ended up leading us to the water gun games, where you shoot the target and win. Rachel and I practically got trampled as the five of them sprinted over to the first open one.

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