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Running back through the forest, I let the tears run free and sobbed with each stride. No one was there to hear me and that's all I needed. A quick moment to let out my undeserved grief and then life would go back to normal. If normal was waking up, getting ready to kill again, and playing the act of a princess. No one knew the truth about me, and no one ever would, not if the King had anything to say about it.

I reached the ends of the forest and watched as the trees thinned out into the small village with hundreds of people who hated the king and acted like they didn't care. It angered me to see them so willing to let themselves be controlled, but who was I to say anything. I had been controlled my entire life and I've never fought back. I loved the people of our kingdom, they were jubilant and caring, but my family never cared about our citizens. However, I had to distance myself from them. I didn't want to get to know the people I would be killing next.

I swiftly walked through the village, keeping my head down, knowing people might recognize me as Princess Adelaide, daughter of King Azaiah, the tyrant. Even though not many people knew how I looked from my almost non-existent appearances in public. It was good for my profession. However, no matter how much I tried to be discreet, I stood out in the bright pink, very short dress, on the cool night. The sleeves were net and I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, adding heat to my cold body. I shivered as I quickly treaded on the cobblestone, wobbling on my shaky bare legs. The adrenaline of the night wore off and I sighed as I neared the gate into the castle.

I reached the gate and waited for them to open, but instead a guard withdrew from the cluster of them chatting and drinking in the guardhouse. Clearly there wasn't as much of a crime rate in Calio than in Maldon. Back home, there would be guards at their posts, rotating all night. No fun for them.

"Hey, Girl! What ya doin here? No entry into the castle without verification of identity." The guard yelled as he gobbled down to the gate.

I smiled prettily, and gasped, raising my hand to my chest. "Of course!" I stopped smiling and brought my hand back down. I stared at him icily, I wasn't in the mood to play nice. "My name is Adelaide Elhera, I am King Azaiah's eldest daughter and Queen Marissa's niece. Let me in."

The guard laughed in response, clearly not believing me. "Sure, and I'm the heir to the throne!" I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to yell at his incompetence.

I rubbed my forehead in annoyance, trying to figure out what I should do. I spoke again, "I'm not joking. Could you call someone...more sober?" I asked, panicking, before hearing someone boom from behind me.

"Prince Castell here. Open the doors."

I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed deeply. I whirled around and saw my brother, the actual heir to the throne. I stared up at him, his dark blonde hair was slicked back and his hazel eyes looked almost black in the dark. Of course he was here, always thinking he was better than everybody.

"What are you doing out here? You are welcome, Adelaide Elhera," He mocked my name and he shook his head as if it was the most absurd thing in the world.

I breathed deeply but then regretted it when I caught a strong whiff of alcohol and coughed. "Thanks, Castell." I said under my breath as the doors to the gate slowly opened. I hated that the stupid guard listened to him but not me. Why didn't great Prince Castell have to 'verify his identity'?

I moved to walk away but Cas pulled me back, " I asked you a question. What were you doing out here? You shouldn't be out here."

I wanted to scream in frustration, why wasn't anything going right tonight? "Ask father. He was the one who sent me out here on important business." Castell hated that father told me everything, that I was his confidant, his advisor of sorts. If only he knew the truth.

He fumed, it was worse because he seemed drunk. If he was sober he would've walked away, keeping his dignity. I didn't think that was what would happen right now. I jerked out of his hold and scurried away before he did something crazy. He had gotten his temper from our father after all.

I heard Cas cursing at me as I fled to Queen Helena's quarters. She and father had adjoining rooms in the guest quarters. It was custom for the king and queen to have their own space for privacy. I panted as I ran up the stairs as fast as I could without looking too unladylike, desperate for my mother's arms. Finally reaching her door, I made sure to even my breathing before knocking. Knowing she would berate me, 'Princesses must not run and please do not breathe through your mouth, sweetie, you are not a dog.' I smiled, remembering when she gave me lessons when I was a child.

I stretched while I waited, my muscles ached from exhaustion. I waited another few minutes. Then I realized she must have been asleep. I was surprised, usually she couldn't sleep so my late hours worked out for her. Shock faded and disappointment seeped in. I needed to talk to someone, anyone, I couldn't keep it in. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes and I cried out softly.

"Addie?" Castell finally caught up, it was a relief that his anger had worn off. I turned away from him and set on to walk to my room.

"Wait!" he called.

I sighed, too tired to fight back. I lowered my head and turned towards him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

My eyes widened, had he seen me? I smiled as big as I could, trying to put off his worry. "Nothing. I'm just tired."

His eyes narrowed, "What were you doing here then? Why didn't you go straight to bed?"

I stopped smiling. Why did he choose right now of all times to be concerned about me? "I wanted to speak to mother before sleeping. I hadn't seen her since this morning."

He raised his eyebrows, becoming angry, "Mother? Mother? She isnt your mother, so don't call her that! I'm sick of father hiding the truth. You're nothing but the daughter of a mistress!"

I flinched at his words. Anger burned through me and the tears that I held back fell freely. "Okay. If I'm the daughter of a mistress, you are too! Who told you that the woman who gave birth to me was a mistress? She could've been a princess or noble! Do you really think father would care for anyone less? He was young and like you, was a playboy prince. Queen Helena is my mother as much as she is yours. Stop acting like you're better than me because I recall you are still second born, no matter what father tells you to make you feel better!"

Castell's eyes bulged and he opened his mouth but before he could speak, a door slammed open.

Oh no. I forgot. We were still in front of their rooms.

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