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I wrapped the soft towel laid out for me tightly around my body and walked carefully out of the bath area so as to not slip. I pushed open the heavy doors, wincing as the surface cringed against my sensitive skin.

The maids rushed forwards and guided me to the vanity. I sat down reluctantly as they cooed over my pruney fingers and toes. Scolding me for staying in the bath for so long. I scowled, pulling my limbs away from them and looked up. The girl staring back at me was foreign. I hadn't been out in any public appearances for ages and I hadn't had much need to look at myself on a day to day basis.

I had always been on the slim side, however, I was surprised to see my sharp cheekbones and deep under eyes. I looked exhausted but nevertheless beautiful. I knew my looks were nice, I guessed I had my birth mother to thank for that. I looked somewhat like my father, though most of my features were different from my family members. I had figured they were probably from my mother.

My dark green eyes narrowed as I examined myself in the mirror. My lips were dry and chapped but my skin was smooth and soft. I had been blessed with clear skin for the most part. Something I believed ran in the family, either that or we'd all just been very lucky. My collarbone was prominent and my slender shoulders sat straight. I lifted the towel a tiny bit and glanced at a scar. It was painfully beautiful, allegedly something my father had carved into me as it was tradition to do so on the firstborn child of the family so as to keep good luck.

The sharp line was shaped in a small crescent shape above my heart and inside was a very thin x written inside. I remembered the day I had gotten it as if it was yesterday.

"Sit there!" Father had said quietly but with a tone that demanded haste. He brought the knife to my heart and I cried out. Thinking he was going to finally just kill me. Instead the sharp knife was drawn against my skin for what felt like ages. I whimpered, the pain raging through me. How was it that he was drawing on my chest but I felt the pain bursting everywhere?

It felt like ages before he finally stopped and when I looked down bright red blood was pouring out of the wound. It was covered with a white cloth that had started to seep with blood before my father had even said the words. The words that haunted me until now.

"This shall serve as a reminder that you must never go against me and the pain shall be worse than you felt just now if you do. Et nom beor calden Elhera!"

He pressed down on the wound hard. The pain was unbearable and I screamed before the darkness took over.

Et nom beor!

I shivered as the words still rang sharp in my head. He was right, I would remember that day and his warning forever.

"Your highness?"

I jerked at her voice and blinked the tears from my eyes, clearing my throat, "Yes?"

"We have completed your manicure. May we begin on your makeup?"


I sat there with my eyes shut for what seemed like forever. When they finally completed my eyes I opened them and watched as they moved on to my face, slathering it with different substances I had never cared to learn. I would always have someone else to do it for me anyway, it was a cruel way to think but I truly hadn't known any other way. They blended and dabbed on my face until I glowed beautifully. It was as if their slender fingers had worked with magic. One minute I looked haggard and pale, and the next I looked refreshed and healthy.

I smiled with my now soft pink lips at my reflection. I hadn't felt this beautiful in so long. I turned my gaze up at the women who helped me feel happy, "Thank you,"

One of them smiled softly and said, "Of course, your highness. However, we are not done yet."

I frowned a bit before turning back to the mirror and realized my eyes were done fancy and the rest of my face paled in comparison. "Hmm. Go on," I said, closing my eyes but not before giving them a reassuring smile.

I was grateful for their kindness to me, if only I could return the favor. I sighed softly, giving into their soothing caresses on my skin and lips.

A/N - Adelaide isn't self-centered but her whole life has consisted of people telling her that she is pretty so she isn't really insecure about her looks.

Anyway, what do you think about the flashback? What do think "Et nom beor" means?

Also, do you like when I do these author notes? Or would you prefer me not to?

Okay, byee

The Broken PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon