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Faint voices pierced the pitch black of my mind.

"What did you do? You ruined everything!"

"I made the right choice."

"Xavier, I understand your choice, but we both know this was the wrong one. You are jeopardizing everything, millions of people will die."

"You saw what was happening, you are the one who taught me to see these signs. You are the one who told me to look out for them! Besides, with her on our side, we'll know how he works."

My head pounded and my eyes felt like heavy bricks. I tried opening them but they wouldn't budge so instead I opened my dry mouth and croaked, "Hey..."

They continued arguing and I repeated myself, "Excuse me..."

I finally got my eyes to open a bit and they adjusted to the scene around me. I was in an unfamiliar room with blaring lights pounding down in my face, making it hard to keep my eyes open. Xavier stood with his mother and siblings as he argued with his father in the middle of a huge, lavishly decorated room with a high ceiling and other details I wasn't bothered to admire in my current situation. I noticed I was in a very comfortable bed with thick layers of duvet and I struggled to sit up, pushing the heavy sheets off my body. Once I finally assorted myself, I raised my voice for their attention, "Hey!"

They stopped arguing and turned towards me. Xaviers cool gray eyes met mine and I looked away as I saw his eyes lower and felt his gaze on me, examining every detail. Instead, I turned my gaze to his mother and saw that she smiled and moved forward.

"Adelaide, was it?"

I nodded as she took my hand gently, "Yes, your majesty." I bowed my head a bit in respect as I was still sitting.

She nodded and asked, "How are you feeling? You lost quite a bit of blood." And then it all came back to me.

The ceremony.

Father's dagger.


My eyes widened as I moved my gaze back to Xavier, remembering the most essential part to everything that had happened.

Our marriage.

I was now Xavier's wife. I would be Princess Adelaide Agnor of Albion. Possibly Queen!

Xaviers face remained impassive and I had the urge to throw something at his head, his lack of emotions was getting on my nerves. As if he knew what I was thinking, his lip twitched and his eyes narrowed at me.

Could he hear what I was thinking? No. That was impossible.

His almost non-existent smile now widened into a small smirk and I glared at him, not knowing what he was thinking but already knowing I would not like it.

I looked back to his mother and asked, "What happened?" Truly not knowing what happened after I uttered those final impulsive words before blacking out.

She sighed, "What do you remember? There was quite a lot that happened."

"The last thing I remember is," I glanced towards Xavier. He was speaking lowly with a man by the entrance to the room. "The ceremony." Then it hit me. Father. Mother. I closed my eyes tightly, knowing I would be punished. But I didnt belong to Father anymore. I opened my eyes and look towards Queen Tatiana.

She smiled at me, "Princess Adelaide, after you collapsed–"

"She does not need to know, it isn't important." Xavier cut his mother off and glared at me, "All you need to know is that you are my wife."

With those words, he exited the room and left me gaping. The room erupted in arguing and yelling. I flinched at the clear glares Xavier's siblings were throwing me and the words that were coming out of their mouths.

"How could you let this happen? She's disgusting."

"A spawn! A spawn of that tyrant!"

"Our next queen cannot be that vile–"


King Darius' voice cut off the young boy who was about to say something I knew would make me sick.

"I did not raise you to be this gullible! Look at her!" He pointed at me and they all stared and I winced, crunching in on myself at the attention.

"She's wounded, both body and soul. You do not feel it? See it? She would make an amazing queen, she was nurtured for it. Even though we were not expecting this or even imagining such a wild concept. We must accept what has happened?"

The older boy who I assumed was just after Xavier spoke next, "Father, you know this isn't permanent. The marriage can always be annulled! We cannot let the daughter of Azaiah into our home and not be expecting betrayal."

"Beric, if we always think like that, we will get nowhere." The young woman who was quiet for the most part spoke to her brother and then turned to me, "Hello, I am Elena Agnor, princess of Albion."

I looked up at her and she moved to sit beside me and Queen Tatiana moved so she could reach me easier. "Hello, I am Adelaide Elhera, princess of–"


My eyes widened and Elena smiled. "You are a part of our family now. Whether you like it or not! But hey, you said yes, didn't you?"

Queen Tatiana laughed and I glanced up at her and then around the room. They all had small smiles on their faces. I felt the heat in my cheeks and looked down, feeling too vulnerable.

"I apologize." My voice rang out clear in the room and I lifted my chin and made eye contact with all of them. I invaded their family without any notice. However, I didn't understand why they were all outraged. They were here for an engagement, anyway. I would have still been preparing for a wedding and to enter their family. Unless, it wasn't meant to last.

Nonetheless, I kept my confidence and continued. "I did not mean to impose, however, I did not start this. Prince Xavier made this decision and I wasn't in the state to reject it. I deeply regret my actions, and apologize for being an imposition."

"You are right. It was Xavier's decision and it was impulsive. If anything, he should apologize to you for confining you into this situation." It was Queen Tatiana who spoke, "Besides, you were to enter our family anyway! It just happened earlier." She sent a stern look to the men in the room.

Confirming my suspicions. It was all an act. On both sides.

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