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After mapping out the new regions we gained and making plans for the Maldonians living there and discussing more schematics for the new land with Father, I finally headed back to the measly quarters we were given. I was always taught to be grateful for the things I had, however, when a king who prided himself on how lavish he lived offered you less-than accommodations, it was insulting.

I held myself back from the anger when I was first shown the rooms only because I wanted this treaty and I had already tested it when spontaneously marrying Azaiah's daughter. What I hadn't expected was for him to be so lenient with my actions. He threw a tantrum, of course, but as soon as every servant in sight was gone he gave in immediately. Happily, it could only mean he was as desperate as we were about this treaty.

And marrying Princess Adelaide...that was purely instinctual. Her fear was so potent during the ceremony, that I could hardly breathe. I had to do something, anything, to get her away from Azaiah. It looked like he was provoking her at first, I thought maybe she wasn't as happy about this treaty as he had described, but then the scent of blood filled my nostrils and I almost gagged at the pure pain that was emanating out of her.

She was being abused in front of me, I couldn't allow it to continue especially when I would be tied to her name. That was it. Mother seemed to think it was something more...

I shook those thoughts away.

Approaching the room, I spotted empty posts. Where were the guards?

My pace quickened until I burst through the doors and found the room empty. Where the hell was she? My heart quickened as I moved quickly, heading for a guard I passed on the journey to the room.

His eyes seemed to widen as I got closer and I seethed. Did he do something? "Did you see Princess Adelaide pass through here? Did you see anything out of the ordinary?" I practically panted, my mind was racing with all the possibilities of what could've happened.

He shook his head no, "My shift started five minutes ago! There's been no one but you, your highness."

There were hundreds of staff in this palace. One of them must have seen something, no one can come into a guarded royal quarters that easily? Was she taken? Was it those guards?

I cursed. Those weren't my guards. They could've been imposters or impertinent. Someone would have heard or saw something if they were hurt.

I knew I should have replaced those idiots the moment they couldn't handle one little spoiled princess from interrupting Adelaide and I.

I started running, asking every maid and guard on the way.

"I saw Lady Adelaide be escorted to the royal guest quarters." The maid practically cried out when she saw me. I guess word traveled fast in this castle. "There were guards with her and..and she was barefoot!"

Anger consumed me. What the hell was she doing?

"Lady? She's your Princess. Use the proper title." I reprimanded, not knowing why I felt so strongly about it.

"My apologies, your highness! She asked me to call her this way. I am so sorry!"

I actually made her cry.

Storming through the castle, I finally made my way to the royal guest wing, ignoring the wimpy attempts to stop me from entering, before hearing my brother's voice call out, "What in the universe is wrong with you? The entire castle is bustling from your interrogations. Why did you hurt a guard?

A few guards were giving me attitude. I simply shook them around a bit to get answers. These Maldonion guards had no honor at all. My lip curled in disgust just thinking about it.

"Adelaide. She went missing. I am getting her back."

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