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Yes, the long-awaited update. I know I said I would take time but I never imagined it would be two years. I am so sorry to the ones who waited, but I truly think my time off was for the best. I've grown as a writer and I hope you can tell! Enjoy this chapter!




Xavier's family explained that after I fell unconscious, all of the guests were ushered out and there was a huge argument between Father and Xavier, almost leading to physical violence. I gasped at this and my stomach churned at the thought. "What did they argue about?"

Princess Elena shook her head at me and before she could say anything, Prince Beric spoke, "You, of course!"

My eyes widened and I gasped, "Me?!"

"Yes, you! Who else? What else? Your father was livid that Xavier married you, it was odd really, he shouted and caused a huge ruckus even before the guests and nobility had exited. He kept saying that you were his and that Xavier had made a huge mistake trying to take you away from him. He wouldn't even let the medic treat you when you fell unconscious either–"

"That's enough, Beric, go out with Undar and find Xavier. Tell him it is urgent."

"But, Mother–"

"What did I tell you?"

They groaned and left as I sat there, my mind racing and my heartbeat quickening. What would happen now? Father would never let me leave. I was going to die, he would kill me for this.

He would kill millions because of this.

The tears built up in my eyes and I blinked them back. Looking up, I saw solemn faces. They knew. They knew about his abuse. The pity shone from their eyes and the taste in my mouth turned bitter.

"Beric," Princess Elena started, "he's clueless, do not believe anything he said. King Azaiah will not get to you, not with us here."

I smiled a fake smile, not believing sweet Princess Elena one bit, and said, "I am fine. What is to happen next? An annulment? There would have to be precautions taken as–"

The door to the room banged open and I jolted in shock, my words cut off as he walked in. Similar to when he entered the ballroom, his aura demanded submission as he radiated power. His cold eyes locked with mine and I shivered from the intensity in them.

"No." Was all he said.


His lips twitch and my eyes flicked down to see a smirk forming. Queen Tatiana and Princess Elena were in his way as he approached me but they soon parted, letting him through.

I cursed internally, what were they doing?

The women grimaced apologetically towards me and I sighed mentally, so much for protecting me. I watched as they left the dangerous prince with me. Alone.

I had looked down in my thoughts and when I looked back up, he was there, an inch away. I jerked back in surprise and Xavier grabbed my hand, stopping me from getting too far. His stormy grey eyes looked straight into mine, staring right into my soul. Averting my eyes, I pulled my hand out of his grip and waited as his gaze burned into the side of my head.

"No. We will not be having an annulment."

I gaped at him, losing all of my princess manners. "What?! Why not?"

"I chose to marry you and you accepted. I don't ever make decisions I won't stick by." I looked up at him and nearly scoffed at the accusation in the comment.

"Are you saying that I do?" I knew fully that he must think terribly of me. Why did he want to stay married? Why did he marry me in the first place? "I wasn't exactly in the best condition to be making lifelong decisions."

His smirk turned into a full-blown grin and his knowing eyes shone with amusement, "Are you sure?"

Nope, not sure at all. The decision I made to marry him was completely under the stress of the situation. Right?

"Why, aren't you confident? Do you think I'd been waiting all my life to say 'I do' to you?" My voice rose in irritation as his prim and proper smile was on display, taunting me.

He finally backed away from me and the fake smile dimmed before it was completely gone. After a few steps back, he ordered, "Stand up."


His eyebrows rose and I actually scoffed this time. "You can't just order me around like one of your poor maids. I've heard you're so cruel that they don't even last a month."

"You've become quite free with me, haven't you, wife? I am still the crown prince and now you are a part of my kingdom."

The urge to roll my eyes was strong and the urge to gag from disgust was worse. Why were all men so ignorant and terrible? If I'm his so-called wife, I should be his equal. But no, of course, he would be just like Father and all of the terrible husbands I've seen in court who abuse their power over their wives. Instead of wasting my breath explaining why the words he had dared to utter were so wrong, I smiled sweetly and rose the pitch in my voice as I said, "If I'm not free with my husband, then who shall I be free with, oh dearest and high and mighty crown prince." I stopped smiling the moment the words left my mouth.

Xavier's eyes narrowed at me and his lips parted in response, "I–"

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