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I gasped at the voice and turned to the queen, shocked at her words. "Mother, What are you saying? This is yours!"

"Hush, Adelaide, has nobody informed you of today's events? I would have thought Sabrina couldn't have kept it a secret as your father asked." She spoke the last part mostly to herself.

"Are you talking about the recent disturbance? Why am I dressed so heavily? We are only traveling back home to Maldon, are we not?" I said, finally voicing the questions that had been swirling around in my head since this morning.

"No, Adelaide, your father will tell you the truth. However, I will warn you not to perceive things as they seem. The king always has a plan and I doubt this will be any different." She gave me a grim smile before gesturing to the maids to continue leading me down as she glided in front of us, leading the way.

I didn't know where we were going. If I had, I would have run the other way as fast as possible.

We headed down the stairs, turning into a narrow but long corridor that opened up into a large ballroom. Nowhere near the biggest room, I had ever seen but still impressive. Before we entered, the queen came to a stop turning to me.

"You must show your power here. You will be meeting the King Darius of Albion and his son Prince Xavier. Don't cower in front of Azaiah, no matter how he looks at you. Do you understand?

I nodded, slightly worried. Why were our enemies here? What was happening? "Yes, I understand." I verbalized, however it sounded as if I was trying to convince myself instead of her.

She grimaced at my tone but still turned and gracefully led me out as we were announced into the room.

"Queen Helena and Princess Adelaide of Maldon!" The voice boomed and I took a deep breath, plastering on my mask of confidence as I glided in after my mother.

The hall was filled with nobility and I witnessed my father and King Darius in a civilized conversation for the first time in years. What was going on? Everyone turned as we were announced and I held my head high, pushing back my shoulders.

Gasps were heard in the room, it had been almost two years since my last public appearance in Calio. Whispers traveled across the room as the maids behind me gathered my dress and laid it out so it was resting nicely around me when I settled beside the royal family, who were standing close to my father. Who still happened to be conversing with the king of Albion with an alleged smile on his face. I hid my shock and stood there patiently, waiting for his acknowledgment of my presence. Only then, would everyone else continue with their mingling.

As we all waited patiently, the room got so quiet that I could hear my father and King Darius' low speaking of a...treaty?

"We are honored to take the hand of Maldon and bring peace....of course....yes....." their voices cut out a bit, however, I strained to hear more, "My son is willing to marry the princess, the treaty shall be signed and the people will rejoice!"

Marriage? Princess?

Was Sabrina going to be forced into marriage? No. I couldn't allow that!

"We are more than compliant to this treaty, it was a perfect solution brought up by none other than Adelaide. She wishes to do her part and end this war...."

What? Me? I've never even thought of getting Sabrina married ever!

"Ah, I apologize," My father's voice suddenly boomed throughout the ballroom, causing me to jump. I felt Sabrina's arm brush against mine. A warning. "I realize it has been too long since my eldest daughter has joined us. Tonight we shall celebrate her generosity and thank her for the sacrifices she's made for the sake of the kingdom. No, two kingdoms!"

What? My father's plan for getting rid of me must have been what my mother had been speaking about. I had prepared for this day ever since the day I got the carving. I had no doubt it was coming and now that it was here I felt more relieved than anything else.

"People of Calio! The two kingdoms of Maldon and Albion are entering a treaty of marriage and tonight you shall witness the betrothal of Princess Adelaide Elhera and my son," King Darius waited for the announcer's voice, and gasps rang out.

"Crown Prince Xavier Agnor of Albion!"


A/N - Soo I actually posted this faster and it's because things are really picking up in the story and I'm actually excited when I'm writing these parts and like I want to find out what happens with you guys. So anyway that's nice.

Okay, Bye


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