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As I was reaching over to grab the soap, suddenly the doors to the bath opened again.

I squealed as I jumped back, water splashing everywhere. I looked back to see Layth walk in and the doors slam close behind her.

"It's only me." Layth rolled her eyes as she sat on the stool beside the bathtub. She rested her head in her hands, her long silky black hair framing her face.

"What are you doing here? I'm taking a bath!" My voice rose an octave.

"I can see that." Layth deadpanned. Blowing her hair out of her face.

"You're crazy," I shook my head. Sinking into the water a little more.

"Tell me something I don't know," Layth rolled her eyes before closing them, "Here, is this better?" she asked.

I laughed, splashing bathwater at her. "You're ridiculous!"

"Hey! Don't throw that dirty water at me, it's infested with your germs!" She jerked back and wiped at the water that landed on her.

I splashed water at her again, mocking her, "There, now you're infested with my germs too!" I laughed louder.

"You are disgusting!" Layth scoffed playfully, getting up to leave.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Okay, okay! What did you need to tell me?" I asked.

Layth whipped her head back at me in surprise, "How did yo―"

"What do you take me for?" I cut her off, placing my hand on my heart in mock pain.

"Whatever," she replied, sitting back down. She looked down again and I heard sniffling, "I'm getting assigned in Ofrium," she whispered.

My eyes widened as I registered what she told me, "What!"

"The King sold me. I-I ha-have no choice!" Layth sobbed.

"No! No, you cannot go. You won't, I will make sure of it." I regretted the words as they came out. I was being selfish but how could father have sold her!

"We both know you don't have that much power." She spit out, her voice bitter. "King Azaiah is foolish, everyone knows that the birthright law was established decades ago! You should be queen, the crown is rightfully yours."

"Quiet!" I hissed. "You can't say these things. I gave up the throne when I turned eighteen, it has nothing to do with the King!"

"Liar! You are nothing but a liar," She cried softly, heeding my command to be quiet. "Have you forgotten that I am a soldier too? I have been following you for weeks, months even. I know everything!"

I gasped, "Layth! How could you?"

"Me? Me! What about you?" She shut her eyes tightly, breathing heavily, "You could have told me. I would have been there for you."

"No! You couldn't have. No one can know what you know. If he finds out, you will be dead faster than you could blink." I whispered, paranoid. "Listen to me, this is good. Go to Ofrium, I hear their king treats his people well. At least, better than my father. You will be happy if you go now. Though they are our sworn enemies, I know they will take care of you better than I ever could."

"Adelaide, I―"

I cut her off, "No," I put my hand up, "Enough. As you said earlier, I do not have enough power to stop him from hurting you, to stop you from leaving. But I do know, if I did, it would be selfish of me to make you stay."

Layth scoffed, "I wouldn't be happy without my best friend. I would rather suffer forever than leave you here alone."

I smiled sadly, "The sentiment is nice, but we both know our feelings don't matter here. The important thing is for you to be safe."

We talked after that, not wanting to think about the sad news in our last meeting with each other. My body pruned and the water turned cold but I sat there with her, staying strong. I needed to show her I was okay, that I could take care of myself without her. Her chance at a happy life would not be ruined because of my whining.

And when the time came for her to leave, we didn't say goodbye. In hope of seeing each other again, even though it was impossible.

As soon as she left the room, the tears began to fall. Though they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of happiness for my friend. For her new life.

Okay, so this is my first time attaching a song but this one is so perfect for this chapter and I couldn't resist. The song is "See you later" or "Ten years" by Jenna Raine. Let me know if you like it!

Anyway, this chapter was so sad because Addie's only friend from childhood was leaving her. But Yk I'm brutal like that. Loll every time I use the word brutal the song by Olivia Rodrigo pops into my head. What'd you think about Layth? What do you think will happen next?

P.S. please vote and comment!

Laeba ❤️

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