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I stood in the middle of the room I woke up in and glanced down at my bare feet. I was debating on whether to ask the guards to fetch me some proper clothing and figure out what was going on.

I was not going to be some sitting duck in this room. I had no idea where in the castle I was or what I was expected to do. Xavier did not come back after Sabrina left and I had no idea what he wanted from me. If I was supposed to be some obedient wife, the least he could do was tell me so. Even if I had no intentions of following yet another restrictive set of rules.

After a few more moments of internal conflict, I tiptoed across the freezing marble tiles, wondering where the hell I must be because Aunt Marissa's castle was covered in carpet. It couldn't be very far from my family considering two members of it visited me. Though, I am not sure I can imagine King Darius peacefully staying in such accommodations. It might have seemed very nice to me at first glance but when remembering my lack of experience with the absurd luxuries of most royals, it must seem quite quaint in their eyes. But with my track record on all things King Darius and Prince Xavier, it would be safe to assume I wasn't an expert.

I pushed the doors open and popped my head out to see four guards at the door. Wow. I had never had more than two guards and even then I had not been assigned guards ever since I had mastered my training. It was a waste for my father to assign guards on his personal assassin.

I wondered, was it to keep me in or keep others out? I was assuming the former considering the guards had let the one person Xavier seemed to have wanted away from me.

I cleared my throat, "Excuse me." I kept a neutral expression.

Four heads turned towards me in question and I couldn't keep a small smile from forming at the synchronization that reminded me of puppies turning their heads.

"Send for my clothing and proper shoes." I directed the nearest guard.

His face turned down in displeasure and his loud gruff voice had me holding back a wince, "We are not your servants to fetch you your things." He went back to staring straight ahead and the others followed.

Surprised at the tone he was using, I fixed the side of his head with a cold glare and opened the door properly. I walked out, bare feet and all, and faced him straight on and plastered on a sweet smile and relished in his baffled expression before turning around and walking through the strange corridor.

It was wide and the walls were lit up with lanterns and covered in paintings. I heard the guards exclaim behind me and felt their presence and they followed me.

"Princess, you must go back to your quarters! Riftan was being rude. I apologize for not reprimanding him publicly. He'll be dismissed immediately if you wish. Please, your highness!" He continued to plead with me to turn back but did not once try to restrain me.

Huh. Was he not allowed to touch me?

I kept walking and when he finally stopped the useless pleading, I asked, "What part of the castle are we in?"'

The same gruff voice that had turned me down earlier, the one named Riftan, voiced, "It is the guest wing, Your Highness."

"Hmm. We were staying in the guest wing. Are there more than one?"

"The one that you mention must be the royal guest wing. This is the wing for guests that are not considered royal in the Maldonion Kingdom." The plead-er responded.

Father was certainly a bold man. He had basically insulted Albion's royal family by implying they were not important. "Interesting. Now how do I get to the royal guest wing?"

They led me back to the familiar foyer that led to my room where I found a familiar maid and asked her if I could wear her shoes, "I'll give them back to you as soon as I can. Promise."

Her cheeks flushed as she immediately moved to remove them, "That isn't necessary, your highness! I'm honored you wish to wear my shoes. May I ask why?"

"Well, I cannot be seen by my mother. She would be very upset if she saw me walking barefoot through the castle." I smiled softly at her and quickly slipped her shoes on before hurrying up the staircase and finding my room before anyone saw me.

I had no idea if I was even allowed to be here or if my stuff was still in this room. I definitely did not want to run into Father or worse, Castell.

Pushing the door open, slowly, I turned around and told the guards to stay there and closed the door on them.

Finally, I could breathe.

Which was ironic considering, just a while ago, I did not want to be in this room, especially not alone.

I grabbed a few essentials; clothes, shoes, and toiletries. Not knowing what the hell I would need and what would be happening. Stuffing that into a case I found in the very corner of the wardrobe, I set it by the door before launching myself onto the big fluffy bed.

I noticed it wasn't as cozy as the one I woke up in and then shuddered. Was that Xaviers bed? Would I have to stay with him? Sleep with him? I knew we were married, but did he expect anything of me? I shoved all those thoughts away and before I knew it, I was drifting...

The Broken PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora