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"What is going on out here!" I turned my head to see father raging behind me and mother silently standing beside him.

I turned fully to face them and Castell moved to stand beside me. I waited for the yelling  but nothing came.

I looked up at father, wiping my tears quickly after seeing his face fall when he saw them. His piercing hazel green eyes turned on Cas. His eyes narrowed, scrutinizing, "Why is Adelaide crying? Why were you both shouting in the dead of night?"

I was terrified but Castell simply rolled his eyes, "Your bastard daughter claims that my mother is also her mother. I was just putting her in her place."

Fathers hard eyes turned to me and softened before turning hard again. "You are both grown, act like it. Stop having petty fights." he turned to Cas, "Castell, you are heir to the throne, not because Adelaide isn't legitimate but because I chose to make you heir. I can always change my decision, remember that. Adelaide, you are my eldest, you should teach your siblings, not fight back."

"Yes, father," I was only older by a few months and Castell would always be heir no matter what father threatened. Cas was always anxious about his title being taken away but I knew that father would never give me the throne. Not while I was still a girl. I bowed my head and Castell did the same.

"Now go to your rooms. You've nearly woken up the entire castle. We are guests here and there are servants listening. Castell, you will pay, if I hear any rumors. Adelaide, did you finish the job?"

I was surprised he was asking in front of Castell but I nodded, "Yes."

He nodded and resigned into his room. Mother stayed out and stopped Castell when he was about to leave. "I'm tired of you fighting with your sister. I raised her and I deserve credit for that so she can call me mother, understand." She leveled her blue eyes with his and Cas nodded curtly.

She turned towards me and looked down before going into fathers room's still open door and closing it. Castell threw me one last sneer before heading to his room.

I sighed in the empty corridor. I slouched, a cry rising in my throat. Instead I took a deep breath and straightened, slowly walking to my room.

I slid off my shoes, walking barefoot on the white plush carpeted floor. I took my time, stopping every few moments to admire Aunt Marrissa's Castle. It wasn't nearly as big as our palace as her kingdom was very small, however it was still very beautiful. The ceilings were covered in gold patterns and the walls were heavily decorated with drapes and more gold patterns. This region was always very cool so the decorations were meant to warm up the castle.

When I finally reached the door to my room, I was hesitant to enter. My body was tired but my mind was racing a mile a minute and I didnt want to be alone with my thoughts. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so instead I turned away from the door and crossed the corridor to reach Sabrina's room.

I knocked on the white and gold wooden door softly and the door swung open. A bony hand snatched my arm and pulled me into the room. The door shut and the hand on my arm squeezed. I turned to find her wearing a white silk nightgown, her golden hair up in an elegant bun. She pulled me into a hug and sobbed.

My forehead scrunched in worry, "What's wrong?"

"I heard everything," she wailed. She was so dramatic.

"Sabrina, stop being so dramatic." I pushed against her but she held me in a vice-like grip. "Get off of me!" I tried again. "You're ruining my dress!" The pressure of her hug decreased and I pushed her off of me.

She pouted, her hazel eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms. "Why don't you ever tell father what Cas says to you? I'm sick and tired of his remarks. Do you do this on purpose? To torture me?" She sighed heavily and strolled across her room to flopped backwards onto the bed to show her annoyance.

"How is it torturing you?" I said, amused, smiling. I crossed the room and climbed onto her massive bed. Grabbing one of the pillows, I stuffed it into my lap and wrapped my arms around it, settling my head on the top. "Why don't you hate me? I mean shouldn't you take Castell's side? I'm only your half-sister."

"I have no reason to hate you. Plus, Cas does not hate you. He's just dumb. And I couldn't care less about you being my half sister, you know that." She said, very matter of factly.

I smiled and sighed, "I know, but it's nice to hear it every now and then."

"You couldn't get to Mother tonight?"

"No, she was with father. They weren't sleeping though."

"Oh, yes. Apparently we are to get back home immediately. There's been a disturbance."

"Another one? We left because of the last disturbance, what is it now?" More disturbances meant more assignments. I trained my eyes on Sabrina and she squirmed under my gaze. "Tell me. Now."

"I- you're not supposed to know. I've told you enough already!" She quickly got up, straightening her dress and raised her head haughtily, "I'm tired and I want to sleep." She gestured for me to leave.

"Sabrina...what is it? Come on, you know I won't tell. I'm just curious as to why we're leaving. It must be serious." I tried.

She shook her head, "It's not. Besides, you'll find out tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? We're leaving tomorrow?" Something was wrong. I knew it.

"Yes! Can you believe it? We rarely visit Calio and now we have to leave. Aunt Marissa will be devastated. Father couldn't wait a few days to go back? I mean there are plenty of people back in Maldon who..." I tuned out the rest of Sabrina's rant as I wondered what could have happened that we had to leave immediately?

The Broken PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora