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Hi everyone! Sorry for the late post, I have been so overwhelmed with a million exams and a hundred more assignments in between them that I have had 0 time for writing. On top of that, there was ofc the bane of my existence, writer's block. But here it is, the next chapter. 


I thought she was cute, and amusing, when I should have known that she was just being one big spoiled brat. This treaty, temporary or not, was to save the people of the kingdom. I did not have time to cater to the princess, already wasting hours looking for her when she had been peacefully asleep without a care in the world.

My footsteps thudded against the thick padding of the staircase when I remembered something and internally groaned. I had to assign her a guard, she was all alone. My anger only worsened at having another burden on my shoulders.

A wife.

It was not enough that there was an entire kingdom full of people and my own annoying family but now a wife. I had seen my sister demand things from her husband and it was like she was a different human with him. My poor brother-in-law was wrapped around her finger. I almost shuddered. Now I had one of my own, and as I tracked down a decent guard, I wondered why I'd ever agreed to this.


I cringed at the slam of the door and scoffed. I admit, cutting him off was not the most polite thing to do, but he was beating around the bush. Either that, or he was incredibly self-centered. Which was not hard to imagine as he was the crown prince of Albion. He must always get what he wants. Well, I was not going to be a door-mat of a wife.

I groaned, frustration overwhelming me. He was not even trying to understand what I was telling him. His little smirks as I was voicing my worries told me everything. I was a little girl who was whining to him.

Why did I get myself into this? And what was I going to do with Father's demands?

Hearing a light knock at the door and a soft call, "Princess?"

My face scrunched up in disgust at the thought of seeing him again.

I marched up to the door, ready to slam it back in Xavier's face when a different man's face greeted me. Stepping back in surprise at the unfamiliar, untrustworthy, guard.

The broad man was wearing a uniform like I had never seen before. The usual royal guard would be wearing gaudy armor with a sword. However, this guard wore gold accent shoulder armor to identify as royal security, his tunic and trousers were some sort of navy leather-like material, he wore a belt with slots for weaponry, and nearly knee-high leather boots that were perfect to store more weapons. As I admired his attire, I was vaguely aware he had been speaking about being assigned to protect me, though I was more interested in the amazing craftsmanship and versatility of his uniform.

When he finished his little spiel about honor and skill, I stopped my surely odd appraisal of his attire and jerked my hand up to stop him from starting up again. "What's your name?"

"Bastian, your Highness." He bowed his head a little and I smiled at his respectfulness. It was a huge difference from my usual guards, who all thought I was a spoiled princess who they could treat however they wished.

He definitely was not Father's guard. This could only mean...

"And who appointed you?"

His dark eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and I realized he must have mentioned that information already. "His Highness, Prince Xavier gave me the honor of protecting you, your Highness."

That was when I realized he had a specific accent. One that could only come from living in Albion. When did Xavier even assign this guard, he had just left a little over an hour ago.

I ignored all of the butterflies soaring in my stomach and smiled at nice Bastian. Maybe he could be my friend. 

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