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Popping my head out of the room, I tapped Bash on the shoulder. He turned his head to me and I smiled at him, "Do you know anything about the treaty and what it held?"

"That would be a question for–"

"Yes, I know. But do you know anything about it?"

"If your highness does not know, how would I know?" He had a point there, but I had a feeling he was using it to save himself from answering. I would know if Father treated me with any semblance of respect, but he doesn't

I shot Bastian a hard look from annoyance, "Well, do you know where the prince is then?"


The shabby gray huts lined the streets, practically falling apart at the seams. The air was moist and I cringed at the feeling of the thick air against my skin. Uneven cobblestone caused me to pay extra attention to my steps and occasionally step on an uncomfortably raised part of the road. I was meeting personally with the villagers that resided in Calio, who were meant to be the more happy Maldonians, but every way I looked, there was a gloomy face. If these were the happiest of them, the Maldonians must be living in extreme conditions.

Anger sparked as I watched an old woman clutching a small child before he could run into the street towards me. The King and his family were living lavishly, eating and dancing like there are not hundreds of hungry people who rely on them to live. They must treat the public so demeaningly that an old lady was petrified at the thought of her grandson trying to come near me. Near royalty.

I schooled my features into a soft smile, deciding there was enough time to play with the kid, and approached the lady and the boy. The little boy jumped in excitement, he couldn't have been older than two or three, and wrestled out of the poor old woman's tired arms to wrap himself around my legs. She tried to reach for him, pure fear flashing across her features, and wariness settling on her face as I lifted the boy up.

He laughed and smacked his hands onto my face, squishing my cheeks, and I heard a garbled protest from the old woman before she bowed, "Please forgive my grandson, Your Highness, he is just a child, he won't make the same mistake again!" she cried out.

I frowned, rage filling my veins, and I hurried to placate her, "Do not worry, he is just a child, I have no anger with him or you." Her relief was palpable and I smiled at both of them before trying to set him down.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, a loud scream left his little throat. Panicking I checked the floor, maybe there was a sharp pebble that separated from the cobblestone? Confused when there was nothing alarming on the ground, I started checking his feet when I heard quiet chuckling. I glanced up to see his grandmother chuckling and my eyes widened as she tapped me on the back.

"He is not hurt, he wants you to keep holding him." She chuckled some more.

I heard more laughing behind me and whipped around to see my guards looking down with their shoulders shaking. The little boy joined in on the laughter with cute little giggling and I hid my smile, asking him, "Are you hungry?"

Bringing the boy and his grandmother, who, I learned, were called Erin and Zelda, food that would last them at least two months, I was content in seeing the smiles on their faces, but Zelda stopped me before leaving.

"Your Highness, here is a token of my gratitude." she bowed slightly, bringing her hands up to display the gift. It was a hand sewn handbag. Confused but smiling regardless, I took the item, thanking her and was taken aback when she said, "For Princess Adelaide, your Highness's wife."


Zelda cocked her head, eyebrows furrowed, at my question and I repeated, jaw clenched as I tried to urge back the harshness that wanted to come out. "Why? You are gifting her something so precious when she does not care for you at all. She does not ensure your health."

Erin rushed forward again and clutched my legs, "pwincess los us!"

"Your Highness, forgive me for being so honest. I can see you are a good man so I will risk myself. Princess Adelaide is the..." she lowered her voice, "only royal that brings us what we need, she does it without the King's or anyone's knowledge. I happened to see her one night as she spoke to the gardener, urging him to keep her secret. We love her Highness the most, but her ascension to the throne was snatched away from her. Even speaking these words...is treason. Please do not hurt us."

I was speechless. The spoiled brat cared.

Before I could say anything, Zelda gasped at something behind me and bowed deeply, even farther than she did for me. I almost bent down in worries her frail frame would hit the ground.

Turning to see who she was so delighted to see, I was unfortunately graced with my dear wife's cold demeanor. Her skin glowed under the golden of the sun, gorgeous and inviting, the stark opposite of her personality. Dark pink gown glinting, she navigated all the bumps and dips of the cobblestone gracefully and held her head high, looking straight ahead as she moved towards me.

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