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A woman with the most extravagant dress and jewelry entered the hall escorted with armed guards. Three figures trailed behind her but I couldn't make them out as the bright glare of the sun covered them.

I glanced to my right at Father, who held a look of confusion. Turning the other way I saw a sight that was unbelievable. Xavier with a true genuine toothy grin as he chuckled to himself. He tried to move forward but was stopped by the binding of our hands. He looked back at our hands, then slightly moved his head to me. His face morphed into a look of distaste and he moved back to stand beside me again.

My heart clenched as I realized he would never look at me the way he did at the figure at the entrance. Could I really spend all my life with him when I knew that?

My thoughts were interrupted as the woman started speaking, "Xavier! Did you really think you could sign a treaty and get engaged without your mother!"

My eyes widened and I stared at her in awe as she moved out of the light. She was beautiful. Her face glowed and her eyes were the most warm brown. Her smile was breath-catching and her elaborate updo and gorgeous dress only enhanced her beauty.

I could tell she was a kind woman with one glance at her. The figures behind her cleared up and moved forward. A girl that looked close to my age held the arm of a boy who looked a bit younger. Another man walked in behind them with the widest grin I have ever seen.

"Mother, did you really think I would have gone through with it without you?"

She laughed and it was a mystical sound.

The announcer speakers blared, "Queen Tatiana of Albion accompanied by her children."

The crowd of nobility rose in unity, almost as if it was practiced, and bowed towards them. They advanced through the aisle and King Darius went to greet his wife.

She took his place beside the pillar and took Xavier's other  hand after smiling warmly at me. I smiled back before my hand was pulled roughly. I heard a small pop and struggled to keep my face impassive. I bit my cheeks and breathed quickly at the raging pain in my arm. Sharp stabs of pain went through my entire arm and without thinking I clenched my jaw and squeezed Xavier's hand tightly.

I looked up at Father. He smiled coldly at me and his hazel eyes almost glowed with anger. He took my hand in his and pulled a little more at it causing my eyes to well with tears. The pain was becoming unbearable. Nauseated, I started taking in larger intakes of air.

My grip on Xaviers hand must have gotten deathly because he tugged at my arm gently. However, even the slightest movement would have gotten me to cry out at the pain.

The noise escaped my lips and my eyes widened before my head whipped around to look at Father, who had thankfully slit my hand just in time.

He glared up at me with warning and I knew that I would be in huge trouble. I barely felt the knife as he cut deeper by "accident."

"What are you doing?" Xaviers voice echoed in the room. "All you had to do was prick her finger, why did you cut her hand?" His voice was harsh, however, the glare he directed at Father was ten times scarier. It was as if his power radiated in the air, fear bubbling up in the room.

Father's eyes almost bulged out but his rage was nothing compared to Xaviers. The knife pushed deeper into my hand, grinding against my bone. I clenched my jaw, stopping myself from making any noise.

The world swirled around me and my stomach churned at the sound of my blood dripping in the silence.

The bonding ribbon was ripped off of our wrists and Xavier ripped me away from Father's grip, the dislocated arm sent painful shocks through my arm and shoulder and I winced. My arm dangled as I had no control over it and my hand was covered in blood. Xavier took my hand gently and I gasped at the pain. He wrapped the ribbon around my hand, tying it to stop the blood. "Call a medic." His voice was calm but demanding and servants in the corner rushed at his order.

"Do not forget where you are and who you are, Prince Xavier! In my kingdom, what I say goes and if you are not willing to obey, we shall rip up the agreement we have made. Let go of my daughter."

Xavier's deep voice projected in the room, "You're right, King Azaiah, I will let you cut up your daughter in a second, let us wait for the medic to stabilize her first, shall we?" His voice oozed disrespect and I knew Father had to be boiling in rage.

My eyesight blurred and I swayed a little on my feet. Xavier and Father glared at each other and before Father could speak, someone else spoke up, "What is your name?"

I didn't realize she was speaking to me and Xavier answered his mother, "She is Princess Adelaide."

I turned my head to look at her and tried smiling warmly but I knew I didn't look good because she grimaced slightly in response.

My body shook as I suddenly felt cold, and I whispered to Xavier, "Continue the ceremony, please." My voice was weak.

All I wanted was for this to be over so I could meet the medic. I looked up at him and smiled as best as I could, "I am okay." He looked back down at me and narrowed his eyes. I was touched that he cared about my well being, though it could be an act to gain favor of the people.

Or maybe he is just kind.

I almost leaned towards him when he stepped away and untied the ribbon from the cut, I winced a bit at this action and held my breath as he wrapped the ribbon around our wrists again before turning, back straight, cool gray eyes staring into the crown. His voice echoes out in the room, "I, Xavier Agnor, son of King Darius Agnor, crown prince to the kingdom of Albion, take Adelaide Elhera, daughter of King Azaiah, princess to the kingdom of Maldon, as my lawfully wedded wife."

My eyes widened as he spoke. What was he doing? I glanced up at him and he looked down, his eyes urging me to accept his statement. Murmurs broke out in the room and Father exploded.

I watched as Mother rose along with Sabrina and Aunt Marissa in shock. Father demanded the ministers to cut the ribbon but before they could I spoke, making sure my voice was loud and clear, "I, Adelaide Elhera, daughter of Azaiah Meristus, princess of Maldon, take Xavier Agnor, son of King Darius Agnor, crown prince to the kingdom of Albion, as my lawfully wedded husband."

Xavier connected his bloody finger with my cut palm and gathered our blood before stamping it onto the documents. Binding us for life.

Chaos erupted around us and finally, I let myself fall to the sweet darkness of slumber waiting...

A/N : soo this chapter is super long and so I might not post for a little while but I can't wait to see what you think!

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