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I was debating adding Xavier's POV to this story, but I think every romance book should be dual-pov-ed so here you go! It's a small chapter, but I hope you like seeing the other side of things.





"You must be insane," her voice only added to my ever-growing headache and I kept my eyes on the map in front of me, "Xavier!"

I glanced up at her, indifferent, and she continued to lecture me on all the ways this marriage would be detrimental to our family. Which made absolutely no sense because she looked quite cozy next to my wife when I had interrupted them.

"Elena." She turned to me as I cut off her ranting.

"What? And do not say that 'you know what you're doing' because you don't!"

I sighed, "Elena, we're married now. If you had an issue, you should have objected before I said the words."

"I was in shock! I thought–"

"That is enough." Mother's voice echoed in the makeshift office that Azaiah had scruffed up for me. "Xavier did the right thing. We couldn't let that poor girl live like that any longer."

As a seer, Mother could not only see the future but also someone's past if it were important enough.


It was practically non-existent, forgotten, in Maldon and all of Azaiah's smaller territories. Only the elder generation and the edges of Azaiah's kingdom knew of magic and everything outside of the miserable kingdom of Maldon.

However, in Albion, magic flourished everywhere. Almost every citizen of my kingdom practiced magic or wielded a magical instrument. Something completely foreign to most maldonions, and from the looks of it, my wife. I wonder, how will she react to this concept.

"We welcomed her, Elena, are you moving away from that? Or were you deceiving her?" Mother's eyes glowed as she disciplined my sister. "Is that how I raised you?"

"No, of course not. What's done is done, you're right. I'm sorry, Xavier." Elena's eyes were downcast and I could almost smell the embarrassment flowing out of her.

I dismissed her apology with a wave of my hand, showing that I wasn't upset with her, and went back to focusing on the maps.

"With this new treaty, even if it is temporary, we gain two of Azaiah's provinces. That is worthy compensation for marrying his daughter, no matter how vile she may be. Getting as many people out of his reign as possible is the goal, along with strengthening and expanding Albion, of course."

(the map I included does not show Albion's new territories gained in the alliance)

"She didn't seem to be vile or rude or any of the other things we've heard of her." Mother pondered. "On the contrary, she seems quite well-mannered and sweet."

"Hmm. She seemed so startled, do you think she knows?" Elena spoke this time.

Adelaide Elhera was one huge mystery, wasn't she? Mother was right, I hadn't seen any of her father's disgusting greed in her, and from what I had seen, she had no idea of his plan. Or was she that good of an actor?

She had asked for an annulment. Was it to bait me? To seem innocent? She must have known I couldn't possibly back out of this marriage now. Was she bluffing or did she really have no knowledge of this game we were playing?

I had no way of knowing for sure but I knew I would have to be careful.

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