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Hello lovlies, 

The amount of reads hit 1.3k!!!! Umm whaaaat. Thank you so much. I hope everyone is enjoying the story, sorry if it has been dragging a bit, the pace will pick up, promise (fingers crossed) ! Please vote if you laughed, cried, gasped, or loved a part!!


I traipsed back to the room I had woken up in, in the best mood, I felt almost giddy as I walked level with Bastian, ignoring his protests for me to walk ahead of him. He was not not as talkative as I thought he was from our first encounter, apparently it was 'protocol' for Albionion guards to thoroughly inform their 'client' on the details of guarding, according to Bash, a nickname I coined.

I asked questions about Albion on the way back to the room, not satisfied with Elena's brief stories.

"People like him?" My voice raised a few octaves and I cleared my throat before asking again, "Im sorry? They want Prince Xavier to ascend?"

"Of course, everyone adores the crown prince."

This was new to me. Our people despised change, they wanted the familiarity of King Azaiah, even though he was a tyrant, at least they knew what to expect. Rumors about Cas's cruel side did not go unnoticed, he could be so apathetic at times and there have been multiple disturbances due to the uneasiness he evokes in the kingdom.

He covered up his incompetence with violence.

Sabrina was the only one of us that the people loved. I was the ice princess and Cas was the cruel prince while Sabrina was like sunshine for everyone.

I had heard the rumors about Xavier, but I did not think that the people loved him to the point where they rooted for him and wished him on the throne.

"Even the older ones?" The older generation always saw through the charm and smiles, especially if they were commoners, they knew who was best for them because of their experience.

I got a firm, prideful nod in response.

"Interesting. Are you high in rank? Do you know the workings of the palace? What will be expected of me?"

"I would say I am higher on the rank. The palace is not very complicated. The Royal Family has mandatory meetings that you may have to attend. There are public outings that they participate in and you may be asked to join the queen for a picnic here and there. However, I would not say it is very strenuous at all unless you are the King, the Crown Prince, the Captain Guard, or the advisors."

"Does that mean I have no power or role in the kingdom as a princess?"

"You certainly have power, though I believe this is a question better suited for His Highness."

I rolled my eyes, that prince would not tell me anything. Humming in response, I changed the subject, knowing Bash would not give me more without permission from his boss. I would have to squeeze it out of Xavier. I really did not want to waste away in a pretty castle as a silly princess when I could potentially change lives. I didn't get that luxury as an Elhera.

Entering the guest room, I flopped onto the bed in a very unprincess-like way and groaned, Father's demand plaguing my mind. If I really did not have any power as an Albionion princess, I would have to find another way to spy. Yes, I was considering Father's demand because; did I really have a choice. Father was right, our people were more important than my happiness and if I betrayed Albion, we would win the war. Because eventually, the tyrant king would end the truce and start war again, his ego more important than the lives in our kingdom.

I groaned again, not knowing what route to take. Should my loyalties lie with my father, the man who would always put himself first before our people or with my new husband, who didn't even care to explain to me what his plan is? He clearly did not trust me and vice versa.

At the engagement ball, he seemed angry and distraught with this truce. Obviously he did not want this marriage to happen and by association the truce between our kingdoms. I was also caught off guard but ultimately I wanted the fighting to stop so I yielded, did this mean he wanted the killing to go on?

But Bastian seemed to adore the Prince and said the country does as well. Is Xavier that good at acting, charming them that they adore him despite his disregard for them? Or was I wrong?

I shoved my hand into my day old curls and cringed at the crunchy strands and greasy roots. Bringing my nose to my armpit, I almost gagged. I desperately needed a bath.

That reminded me. Layth. I smacked my forehead, punishing myself for forgetting about my best friend. She said she was being shipped off to Albion. Why was Father selling troops off to Albion? Is this a part of the truce? I shot straight up to a sitting position. 

I needed to read the truce contract. Now.

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