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Xavier's eyes narrowed at me and his lips parted in response, "I–"


"I am her sister and the princess of this castle, let me in!" The doors opened with a screeching sound and Sabrina ran into the room, clad in her heavy ballgown and sparkling jewels, with several guards with drawn swords running after her. I almost laughed at the scene but didn't have the chance when I was pulled against Xavier, his eyes filled with an emotion I didn't recognize, and maneuvered behind him as he gripped my arm, tight.

"Addie! Sweetie, are you okay?" Sabrina stopped when she was a few feet away from Xavier's protective stance in front of me.

"Ma'am, you cannot be in here! Princess!" The guards continued to shout and one even came close to grabbing her before Xavier intervened.

"Stop. She is still the princess of this territory and the sister of your future queen. She deserves respect."

Sabrina's concerned eyes quickly sparkled with mischief as she neared closer after curtsying, showing her gratitude for Xavier's words, "Queen Adelaide does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it, brother-in-law?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop my heart from soaring at his defense of Sabrina. Thankfully, I didn't blush very easily. Especially not at the comments I was used to from Sabrina.

I made to move from behind Xavier but his grip tightened at the movement and I stayed put with a grimace. Did I really have to listen to another man about everything I did no matter where I went? First, my father, and now, my husband.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the word husband. I shuddered a little as I thought, I have a husband now.

"Let me go."

He ignored me and instead addressed Sabrina as he pushed me further behind his broad back. I could barely see anything because he was almost a head taller than me. I gave up trying to peek over his shoulder and tuned back into the conversation.

"Aww, this is so cute! But I am her sister, I will not hurt her. If anything, you might need protection for stealing her from me."

I had no idea why Xavier was so silent but I had a feeling he had narrowed his eyes at her. After all, that was his go-to expression. Then, finally, he responded with, "If her father can attempt to murder his daughter with no remorse, I am not going to let Adelaide, the future Queen of Agnor, anywhere near her wretched family."

I could practically hear the snarl in his tone. He seemed like...like he lost control. His grip returned and I shuffled closer to his arm. The perfect opportunity to peek around him.

Sabrina was practically on the floor, that is how hard she was swooning. I burst out laughing at her maniac smile and starstruck eyes. How could she swoon when he called our family 'wretched'? She was insane. When she heard me, she scowled, and then her eyes softened and she ran towards me, "Look at you!"

This time, Xavier didn't stop her and she hit my chest at full speed, wrapping her arms around me and sobbing into my shoulder. "You're all bandaged and bruised. You look terrible!" she sobbed, the words coming out muffled.

"Thanks a lot, Bree. As if I'm not already stressed out enough." I was just teasing but she was so caught up in her tears that she thought I meant it.

She pulled away quickly, rushing to apologize. "Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it like that–" her informal tone returned as she spoke to me.

I pulled her back into a hug and laughed, "I'm just joking. I know I look terrible, that's what happens when you pass out at your own wedding, I guess."

"No, no, you thook afafing." The muffled praise was sincere and I sighed patting her back.

"Are you okay, Sabrina? Because I am fine, don't worry. I don't even feel anything." I wasn't even lying, I truly felt perfectly fine apart from a little stinging in my palm. They must have popped my shoulder back into place. I grimaced, feeling a little nauseous from remembering the way the knife slid against my bone. Toes curling at the memory, I shook my head and pulled away from Sabrina.

"I should be the one to ask you that." she pouted and I smiled shaking my head at how dramatic she was.

"I'll give you two some privacy, then." Xavier's voice popped the little bubble of happiness Sabrina had created and I nodded at him, my smile faltering a little at his expressionless face. 

I watched as he walked out of the room, the doors slamming behind him. Finally, I could breathe.

"He protected you."

"And he saw through Father's facade..." I paused, was this really happening? Life as Xavier's wife might just be my escape from Father and I was eager to get away from the torture it was to be the king's assassin. "How do I know it'll last? How do I know staying with him will be any better? Better than this...this –"

Sabrina gently took my bandaged hand in hers and I lifted my head, shaking my head at her soft look. It's not what she thinks this is. This isn't some happy ending. If Father wanted me close to Prince Xavier, that means he must have a motive. I couldn't give him what he wanted, I didn't want him to win. Not again.

"Addie, you know the same way you felt safe enough to accept this marriage. He will be good to you. I can see it."

That's just it, what if I can't be good to him, what if this is all a scheme? I can't have hope that it isn't. I can't give myself hope that I'll finally be happy and everything will be good. My life didn't work like that, things weren't this easy.

"Is father angry? Is he calling for an annulment?" I put my good hand on top of her hand that was enclosing my injured one. Squeezing when I saw the concern in her eyes, the furrow of her eyebrows as she decided what she could tell me. I knew she would hold back, and say what I wanted to hear. But I was okay with it, she was the only one who cared, so I would let her.

"No, that's just the thing. He's happy, he wants you to leave as soon as possible." She winced at the flinch I couldn't control at her words. That hurt more than I was willing to admit. "That's good, though, Addie. You can finally be free. I think you'll be happy with Prince Xavier."

"I don't know. Doesn't this seem a bit suspicious? And why would Father argue with the prince if he was happy?"

"Hmm, control? You know how father is about us. We're his daughters, he must feel some anger at the way you were taken away from him so quickly." Her voice was pensive and I realized she was being serious.

My eyes widened. She either didn't hear Xavier's words of Father's abuse or she was purposefully ignoring them. I let out a meek agreement and wondered whether I should be happy that she was still oblivious to our father's true colors or angry at her ignorance of my pain and mistreatment.

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