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The shock enveloped me and I didn't want to believe what King Darius and my father had announced. I was getting married? How could he do this to me?

My mother gently squeezed my arm, my emotions must have been showing, as a short man with a potbelly walked in. He had blonde hair with brown eyes and looked quite old, even older than the king himself. I was marrying this guy? My eyes widened as I took in his appearance and I internally screamed at my father.

How could he get me married without telling me? This was what Queen Helena was talking about? I was so confused, anger seeped away and sadness hit me like a wave. I would have to live with this man who was looking at me like I was meat. I almost gagged at the creepy smile he sent my way but I composed myself. Just as I was to turn around, the crowd's gasps stopped me and I looked up.

"Sorry for the confusion, this is my son," the king laughed and gestured towards the tall man who had walked through.

His dark hair sat perfectly on his head as he walked in with an abundance of confidence, eyes thundering as he examined the room. Finally, landing on me.

I kept my face impassive as I met his eyes, making sure confidence radiated off of me as he stared me down. I was genuinely surprised at the short man being the prince, however, I let out a soft laugh as I realized it was impossible for the great Prince Xavier to look like that.

I had heard millions of things about him. 'Oh, I heard that Prince Xavier is the most handsome man in his kingdom.' 'I heard that he is amazingly tall' 'He is said to have the most beautiful eyes anyone has ever seen'

The rumors were endless and as curiosity grew the rumors did too. I wasn't short of listening to them either, and it bothered me to no end.

People only ever had horrible things to say about me —no doubt I deserved it but I would still like the people to think of me as nice or simple. However, the things I had heard consisted more of 'They say she barely even looks at you when you're speaking!' 'Ice princess' 'blood-red lips, as if she drank it!' 'Ruthlessly cold' 'I heard she has the worst personality

It was—something I didn't like to speak of; however, I thought of it all the time.

I shook my head slightly, ridding myself of those thoughts and looked back up to see that the prince was staring directly at me, startling me. I didn't look away. Instead, I raised my head further and met his breathtaking eyes. Some of those rumors were not just rumors.

The handsome prince smiled at my challenge as if my defiance were a joke. Did he know about this treaty? Or was he as clueless as me?

When he reached where his father and mine were standing, he bowed politely before turning to the quiet crowd, "Hello everyone! I cannot wait to meet all of you and hope this treaty will bring our kingdoms closer than ever before! I for one cannot wait to join with the most beautiful, Princess Adelaide," he turned to me with a smile and my eyes bulged out before I composed myself and gave a tightlipped smile, playing along.

He did know about the treaty. Why was it kept from me?

The crowd laughed and he continued but I zoned his deep voice out. I couldn't gather why this was happening now? We had been at war for decades and all of a sudden there was a treaty? My father would never agree to that just for peace. In fact, he enjoyed this game they had on, so why would he plan this now?

I then remembered what Layth had told me. She was sold to Albion. He must have given soldiers as part of the treaty. That meant he had offered the treaty. There was something off about this situation.

"Adelaide?" I heard my name being called and I jolted slightly. It was Castell.

"What is it?" my eyebrows furrowed, still worried about this whole ordeal.

He was smiling, "The betrothal is tonight. You have no way out of this so just accept it."

Of course, he had been calling me just to taunt me. I hadn't been planning to get out of it, however, I hadn't planned to get engaged either. 

"Don't worry, Castell. I will do as I am told," I was confident that there was something behind this. Something that the tyrant king was planning.


Well, I am super tired but wanted to say that I am trying to progressively get my chapter to be longer. I will probably start a schedule of posting every weekend now and the next chapter should be out next week.

Also sometimes I will miss a part of the editing, please let me know of any grammar mistakes. I usually write these chapters late at night and don't notice the horrible grammar lol.

Okay, bye


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