Chapter 7

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Running inside for the rain, Daniel was weirdly enjoying it.
"Daniel, you must come inside now or it will take hours for your costume to dry" Samuel said to Daniel

It was really horrible weather today.
I'm starting to believe in the accident of Friday the 13th again because today it is Friday the 13th.

It was already the 5th day of shooting the film and also the last day of shooting at this location.
It went by really fast.

When everyone was back inside the building, we all had to warm up. It was also freezing cold inside and outside. We literally froze.

"Turn on the TV now!" Shouted kelly through the building as she walked in

As quickly as possible Emma turned on the tv
"Which post?" she shouted at Kelly
"26, the gossip news!" She said as she ran in at a speed of 2000km/h.
"It's urgent" she continued

When everyone was ready, watching the TV turn on, the sound came out:
"Dear listeners of the gossip news, today the latest gossip about an upcoming movie 'hide and seek'! It is said to be about a girl who has gone missing. Her friends and sister will then search for her which involves: a lot of drama, school and love.
Whether this is true, no one knows because gossip remains gossip. But stay tuned so you don't miss anything!" The journalist said

"Turn off the TV now!" The director said who was very irritated

"You told Christina, didn't you?" I whispered in Louis' ear
"How do you know Christina?" He asked
"Doesn't matter! She is the one who leaked it!"
"Answer my question y/n!" Louis said
"Well, you didn't answer my question (that i asked first) too." I said with an angry look
"How can i not tell my girlfriend in which film i play?" Louis said rolling his eyes
"You- your what?" I was very surprised
"Christina is my girlfriend i said" and he walked away

This is going to cause a lot of trouble.
Christina and I are real mortal enemies, even though I don't know why.
We used to be best friends but suddenly she became the devil. Since then she sees everything as a competition between us and she wants to be the best.

Yes, she might be a model, that's why she has a beautiful head and a good body. But if I'm honest, so do i!

"So still not going to tell me how you know Christina?" Louis asked while i was walking to my truck
"Why are you following me?" I asked
"And why are you not answering me?" Louis sighed
"Christina was my best friend when we were little but then she turned into the devil and hated me for no reason. She acted like everything was a competition and she always wanted to let see how perfect and how much better she was" i said
"Wow sorry, but how did you know I knew her?"
"She came to me in class, asked if I auditioned for the new film and left! Can you now please leave?" I slammed the door right in his face

After two minutes the door opened again.
"No Louis, go away!" I thought it was Louis
"Do i have to leave too?" Daniel came in
"No come in you ass" i said
"Can i come in as well?" Sabrina stood behind Dan
"y'all, come in" i sat down on my couch

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked who sat besides me
"Nothing, why?" I asked even tho there was something
" 'No Louis, go away!' " Daniel imitated me
"Uuuhhh leave me alone" i took a pillow and pushed it in my face
"We are not leaving you alone till you say what's wrong!" Sabrina crossed her arms
"Louis is together with my literally enemy" i sighed
"And that's a bad thing or?" Daniel asked
"Well yes, cause Louis is a very good friend of mine and she is just a son of a bitch!" I rolled my eyes
"Being friends doesn't mean you have to hang with his girlfriend right?" Sabrina asked
"Ugh this is why i didn't wanted to talk about it, cause u guys don't understand!" I sighed again
"Well help us to understand!" Daniel said
"Okey look: Christina is in my class" i said but i got cut of by Sabrina
"Christina is Louis' girlfriend and your enemy right?" The dumb blonde asked
"Yes exactly, so she is in my class and wants to make me jealous all the time. She always comes to me to tell me her stupid stories and she will tell now all the stories about Louis.
And soon enough when she hears i have a good connection with Lou, she makes my life a hell and will ask me in a brutal way to avoid and stop being friends with him."
"Omg now i understand" the both of them said
"Finally" i sighed a third time
Like i said: i'm the queen of sighing with Adam!

"If u can excuse me, i'm going to the make up truck"
"You really need it y/n" Daniel laughed his ass of
"Dickhead!" I smirked

"Ready for the last scene of today?" Mara asked me
"Yes yes yes! Finally, i'm so tired!" I yawned

after the make up and costume, i went to set. We had to film outside in the cold.
"Why does Londen have to be so cold all the time?" I was freezing
"Ask the sun" kyle said who was freezing cold too

"Y/n where is Louis?" Samuel asked me
"I dunno, haven't seen him since the rain" i yawned again
"Go to bed earlier so you can stop yawning like this" Samuel rolled his eyes
"I will go to find Louis" Kelly said and ran away

"Here he is, the one and only Louis partridge who have TO BE ON TIME next time" Samuel looked at Louis who came out of his trailer five minutes later
"No one said i had to film another scene" he said
"Enough of this. Last scene of today so let's go!
ACTION" Samuel screamed

"CUT!" Samuel screamed again
"This one only had to take on shot! This was perfect. Thanks Louis and y/n! Everyone can go home now!" Samuel smiled and took his stuff

"The bus is not coming and my parents cannot pick me up, can i may drive with u back to Wandsworth?" Louis came to me
"I will ask" i muttered turning my back to Louis
"Are u mad at me?" He asked
"No, but if u keep asking, i will be" i turned back
"I know there is something but i will stop asking cause the queen wants me too" Louis said in an annoying tone
"Are u going to annoy me the whole time or?" I smirked
"I think so" he pushed me

"Thanks for driving me back home misses" Louis said to my mum who he never met too.
"No problem Louis, it was an honor to meet you"
mum said
"It was a honor to meet u to misses! And see you next week Y/n! Face time me!" He screamed while he was walking away

"What a polite and good looking boy" Mum said
"Like i said" i grinned

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