Chapter 29

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Laying on Louis' chest made me feel comfortable.
We bought Pizza for lunch and would go to a restaurant in the evening.

If i say i almost met up with Louis everyday, i mean like seriously EVERY DAY.
Our bond has gotten so strong and i feel butterflies every time i'm around him.

"Omg Louis no!" I said to him when he accidentally spilled some Fanta on my trousers and sweater.
"Wait let me get you some soap and water"
"That is not going to help Lou. This is Fanta. It is sticky and it smells too"
"Lemme give you some clothes of Issie or Millie, u can choose something out of their closet!" He lead me to their rooms
"Thank you"
I changed myself into the clothes of Issie. I put on a blue jeans that didn't fit at all cause it was way to long and a white oversized sweater.
"Oh you look great!" He said while i was walking downstairs
"Oh you are so sweet" i smiled

I sat down on the couch again and Louis placed his arm around my shoulders.
"We can go to the skatepark after we finished the pizza!" He suggested
"Since when do you suggest things?" I grinned
"Since when did you start being mean again?" He grinned too
"But i like the idea!" I smiled

After the pizza we took his skateboard and went to the park.
Walking to the skatepark we had a little conversation.
"So how is school going?" He asked me
"We never talk about school?" I was surprised he asked
"Can't i be interested?"
"How can you be interested in school?"
"Well are you going to answer my question or what?" He smirked
"Besides math and French everything is going great. I have to take extra lessons after school for math but that's a good thing i guess! And what about you? Now we are talking ab it!" I pushed him
"It is going absolutely great. I am one of the smartest people in class so uh" he smiled
"Oh so that's why you asked me this question? So i would ask about your school life to and you could brag about it" i frowned
"I call it sarcasm! My grades are still great but i'm not on the top of the class. Forget it" he laughed
"I thought so" i smiled

We finally arrived at the skating park. I sat down on a bench watching Louis skate.

"It is your turn now" Louis took my hand and dragged me to his skateboard
"I can't skate and you know that. I also enjoy watching you so i'm okey" he kept pushing me to go and stand on that skateboard
"I won't let you fall. I hold you" he said calmly
It actually went great (with Louis still holding me but i was still standing on that board even tho i was terrified).
"Louis we are going way to fast now!" You could hear the fear in my voice
"If u just keep holding me nothing can happen!"
"No i want to get off this skateboard" i was getting nauseous and stopped holding Louis tightly causing me falling backwards.
"Omg y/n! Why did u stopped holding my hands? Are u okey?" He was kinda worried
"I'm fine" i couldn't see anything brightly enough because my head was shaking from the left to the right.
"Your elbows! They are completely open and bleeding! Take my hand we are going home!" He said.
I took his hand and went back.
On the middle of the rode i almost fell down again. I couldn't hold my balance because my head was still turning around and my vision was still blurred.
"We are almost home y/n." He said because i started crying again
"I cannot see anything, it is all blurred"
"Lemme carry you on my back" my hands were around his neck and i felt kinda guilty because i thought i weighted a lot.

We were finally home and he placed me on his sofa.
"This happens to me a lot, and Issie always takes care of me. I will call her and she will help you!"
Gladly Issie was upstairs and gave me a few pills to feel better. She said the only thing i could do is rest.
We called my mum but she didn't answered. My dad didn't answer too. I rested at the couch of Louis.
"Just go take a nap. I will be in the kitchen!" He gave me a kiss on my hand and forehead.
"Thank you" i lie down with a blanket wrapped around me.

After an hour or something i woke up, well someone or something woke me up. My mom called back and would come and get me in about 30 minutes.

Louis made me some mint tea and sat down next to me with his arm around me.
"I already cancelled the restaurant. We will do that another time. You just need some rest" he rubbed my back.
"You are amazing!" I looked at him and felt so many butterflies in my stomach. He cared so much about me and that feeling made me just so happy.

After strict 30 minutes my mom arrived. I walked over to the car and mum was ranting against me.
"What were you thinking young lady? I've told you many times how dangerous skating is and that you are not allowed to skate. Especially not in a skatepark with all those weird addicts around you. You have house arrest y/n. And i will call the mom of Louis to tell her how irresponsible he is."
"Mum you are overreacting! Louis carried me the whole way back on his shoulders and literally took care of me the whole time. I stopped holding him that caused the fall. And never say again people in a skate park are addicts cause you don't even know a thing about them." I was so angry at mother. I was suffering from pain and the only thing she did was giving me house arrest and a sermon? She is way to overprotective...

The good thing was I convinced her to NOT call the mother of Louis and let him stay out of it.
But i had still home arrest. But now i know i have a window in the kitchen that i can open very easily so i can sneak out in the night, it was not that bad.

I told Liv, Adam and Eva about the fact i had house arrest... they were very mad at me and especially my mom. We would have a sleepover in two days and now i can't go!

Authors note:
To give you guys some extra information: Louis and Y/n are getting really close and it is also almost the premiere of their film 'hide and seek' . Louis and Christina are still taking a break and Louis is only focusing on y/n. They both feel a connection towards each other and are more then happy when they are together.

My spotlight/Louis PartridgeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang