Chapter 35

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Today is the day we can finally see the film.
And tomorrow is the premier and we all can't wait.

Louis and I went to breakfast at 10am. Luckily everyone came at the same moment so we had breakfast together.
It was also a bit funny that everyone looked like a zombie because they said we could go and eat in our pyjama's even tho it is a 5 star hotel.

Louis and Daniel would spend the day going to the gym and swimming in the morning.

Liv and Sabrina who had arrived early this morning, wanted to spend the whole day unpacking and watching Netflix until we could watch the film.

That left only Emma and me. We decided to not go into town after the drama of Louis and me yesterday. Apparently Daniel and Emma were also stared at yesterday and sometimes chased (which Lou and I also had so we even had to 'hide').

Ems and I had heard that there was a Spa in the hotel. "Why not?" I heard her saying
Where I responded on "they said the costs are on them" and i winked with a bright smile.

It was so relaxing, a spa after stressing for almost a whole year. It was a whole process that we followed, step by step.

"Had a great day today kids?" Kelly came to us
"Em and i went to the spa, so it couldn't be better"
"Daniel and I worked out and swam a bit"
"And we decided to watch Netflix and unpackage"
"Whatever. You guys have to be downstairs before the clock rings 7pm! Who is to late, is going to help the kitchen with cleaning. See you" Samuel said who was standing next to Kelly.

Louis and i rushed to the third floor and showered. We had a whole system so we wouldn't be too late cause i can say we are ALWAYS TOO LATE.

After showering, we dressed up of course.
There wasn't really a dress code so i had no clue what to wear.  I mean, are they going to wear their sweatpants? A dress? Just pants and a blouse?

Louis was going to wear just some jeans with a fluffy sweater. I was more outgoing and decided to wear white pants with an off the shoulder pink blouse which i bought when i visited Belgium with my family.

After the fit i put my make up on and even tho it wasn't that much (concealer for under my eyes, some mascara and a bit of my fav blush).

Louis did his hair and tada, we were perfectly on time!
We were downstairs at 18:50, isn't that a victory?

After 5 minutes everyone was ready to eat and no one had to help the kitchen, gladly.
We sat down at the dinner table and i looked at everyone how they were dressed.
Actually we took a good gamble because everyone was kinda dressed the same: not too chique but still a bit dressed up.

After we'll ate very fast, we followed Samuel to the Cinema room. It was quiet funny everyone was so surprised they even HAD a cinema room but it is a f*cking 5 star hotel. I would be more surprised if they HAD NOT a cinema.

"Y'all choose a seat, then we will one by one take some snacks to set besides you and then we will watch the film!" Samuel said
"I'm so exited!" Liv yelled
"Don't we all?" Daniel shouted back. I have actually no clue why they were screaming but okey.

We all sat down on the 5th row in the middle (there were 6 rows by the way.)
1 you had Liv, next to Liv you had Daniel, besides Daniel sat Emma ofc, then me and Louis, and next to Louis Sabrina took her seat.
The rest of the crew were sitting in front of us.

"Let the movie begin!" Kyle yelled. Yes Kyle was here too of course!

Just like a real cinema, there was a pause in the middle.
A few people went to the toilet and the rest discussed the film.
"Louis, you were so good in that scene were you had to explain your feelings to me. It felt so real" i said to him
"Y/n, u keep complimenting everyone else, but have you seen yourself? You did such a good job and this is your very first film. I'm beyond proud of you" he kissed me on my head.

Everyone was literally complimenting each other and that was the greatest feeling ever. I'm so proud.

When everyone came back, we sat down and watched the second pause.

On a certain kind of scene (a scene of me Where I had to improvise the whole scene long because I had no text, Samuel stopped it) I was quite worried because I was afraid he was going to say something about it, something bad because as I said, I improvised everything.
"Can i have all of ur attention please?" Samuel stood up.
"I would like to say something about this improvised scene of Y/n that I am very proud of. 
Y/n has only just started acting and look how she performs.
A scene without text where you have to go and say something about your feelings in a room all by yourself is very difficult, and almost all actors, even those who have been in the business for a long time, find that difficult.  But still, this girl has nailed it.
The way she sits here with a modest look makes me smile. This girl deserves a big applause, already for our lead actor." Samuel continued. He made me cry,  for the very first time i felt so happy towards only a few words. Not only i was crying, next to me, all my friends were crying, even Louis who i never though would cry.
"I think i have to say something about it now?" I stood up with tears in my eyes.
"When i started acting, i could have never dreamt to stand here, to come so far and to now say this is my very first film where i literally have the main character. First i want to thank the crew. Without all of you, and the other actors,  i wouldn't stand here in this cinema watching the film. You guys made something possible for me where i thought it was never possible. Also i want to thank the actors or even better, my friends. How did they even made me so comfortable? I think they all need an applaus way bigger then mine.  Without them i could never do this because the support they gave me is unforgettable and i still feel it today. So y'all please stand up and give a big applaus for yourself and the others.  Thank you!" I continued. Damn this was a speech i will also not forget. It came out of the bottom of my heart.
Everyone started hugging me and tears felt down our  cheeks. God, they are my biggest supporters.

The film was not even over yet and we all were in tears. At that moment the film started again. We'll sat there quietly on our chairs and looked to the film where we were beyond proud of.
It was magical.

Authors note:
Sorry for waiting so long. I hope you guys can forgive me! And don't forget you guys are loved and i'm also so beyond proud of you!

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