Chapter 14

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"Louis we need to talk" i said coming out of the make up truck after Louis.
"About what?" He lied faking to not know anything about the kiss anymore.
"The kiss Louis? And don't even try to lie that you do not know where i'm talking about" i kept following him
"I was drunk that night y/n"
"You f*ucking cheated on Christina WITH me!"
"So what? I was drunk, like i told you. There is no way she will find out" he tried to walk away
I grabbed his arm "what if someone saw us?"
"We can explain and tell them you kissed me" he said rudely
"Excuse me? So you want me to lie for you? U were the one who kissed me, I WAS the one who pulled away, I WAS the one who still thought straight."
"Don't you dare blame me for it" Louis raised his voice
"Well, i'm sorry but i DO blame you. And don't give alcohol the blame. Just don't." I said
"You know we have still three scenes to do today? Together?" Louis screamed
"So what? That we are having a little discussion does not mean we can't act? We are actors, we can pretend we never had a fight." I told him and left again to my own truck to put on my scene clothes.

He gave me literally the blame? Excuse me? Does he need a flashback or something?

And this whole fight to then realise we still had to film so many scenes together...

Waiting for someone to come and get me in my trailer, I was thinking about how to handle the next scene now that I had some kind of argument with Louis.

This was supposed to be a fun scene, where we were having a great time, but unfortunately the mood between us is far from great.

"Y/n? Louis is already done! Are you coming to the bus to go to the set?" Kelly entered my trailer

I grabbed my bag and walked to the bus that was going to take us to the set today.
Normally we do it at the hotel but today we were going to film in nature near a super beautiful river with clear water and beautiful hills/mountains in the background.

When we arrived at the location, Kelly explained to us what they expected from us (Louis and me).
"You guys walk to the lake and change into your swimsuits and go swimming and everything,  just have fun you know?" She said
"The temperature outside is fine but the temperature of the lake is probably super cold, I'm going to freeze" louis complained
"Don't whine Louis! If u want to be an actor, u have to have balls!" she said and walked away

"One last question Kelly!" I grabbed Kelly's arm who was trying to walk away.
"Uh yes y/n, ask away!" Kelly smiled kindly
"Can I maybe put on a t-shirt? Over my bikini? I'd feel much comfortable!"
"Of course! I'll let them know! I totally get it!" Kelly walked over to the crew who were already waiting to film.

Now you're probably wondering what time it is (or you are not) but it's time to start the scene.

I had already put on my bikini and when we would arrive at the lake, I could borrow Louis' t-shirt.
They kinda tried to work it in, into the scene.
In the way like Louis/Tyler in the movie would say "you can borrow my t-shirt if u don't want me to see your body" just something like that.

"So now the plan is to have fun, right?" He said awkwardly
"Then let's get started" I smiled fakely
"Common y/n, we are not toddlers anymore. If we just can quickly forget what happend that night, we can actually having fun instead of faking it" he said
"Easier said than done if you wanted to blame ME for everything"
"Okey Y/n, now it's really enough. I've already said that I was drunk and that I do strange things when i am. I don't need to frame this again right?" Louis snarled
"Yea it's alright." I puffed

"Everyone ready? ACTION!" Samuel shouted

"Common Anya, this is fun" Tyler said jumping into the water
"I don't know, i can still have fun outside the water right?" Anya sat down on the jetty
"If it's just about the fact i'm a boy and you don't want me to see your stunning body, u can borrow my t-shirt!" Tyler smiled at Anya who was putting on the shirt over her underwear
"1,2,3 and jump in" Tyler yelled
Anya jumped in and they both made a lot of noice.
Forgetting the moment around them, they were making fun and laughed about everything.
"You can't tell me you already go out of this amazing water?" Tyler tried to stop her of going out of the water
"I'm freezing" Anya climbed out of the water
"No way, an hour past already...." And Anya jumped in another time cause standing outside was even more cold then in the lake.
Holding on to each others heads, Tyler placed his hand on the cheek of Anya.
Tyler gave a little kiss on the forehead of Anya.

"CUT!" Samuel screamed! I walked over to him with still Louis standing at the lake
"This was perfect! And the kiss on the head was not even in the script!" Samuel continued
"Wait! Wasn't it?" I looked over my shoulder to Louis who was still soaking wet

"Y/n, this was perfect. You really enjoyed it? Didn't you?" Kelly came to me
"Yes, it was fun if i can be honest" i smiled and walked over to Louis.

"So i've heard the kiss on my forehead was not scripted?" I laughed a little
"An actor would not be an actor if he couldn't improvises!" He hugged me
"Does this mean we are back to the old again?"
"Mmmm i think i have to sleep a night to decide that" he grinned
"Once a dick, always a dick" and i smashed his head
"Was that really necessary?" He asked and smashed me on the back of my head too while i tried to escape.

I can forgive, but i can't forget!

I was glad it was back to normal but could've never imagined that it would be right again (between us), so fast.

Authors note hihi:
This chapter took so long idek why...
I wrote this one ,i think, 3 times over again, so that's why it took so long for me to post this one! Oops :)

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