Chapter 18

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"We really have to invite Louis over for dinner sometime! And of course the other ones" mum said before stepping in the car to set
"Now is not really a good moment to invite him mum"
"Did something happend my dear?" Mom looked at me
"Wish i could say no, but then i would be lying"
"I hope it's nothing bad otherwise you guys will have a big problem on set"
"Just a fight" i looked down before stepping in

My mood was settled for today...
I was grumpy, sad, mad and most of all: disappointed in Louis.

Mother dropped me of and went back home while i was on set till the evening.
#roughday #thehashtagsareback

I walked thru the building to find the rest.
Sadly enough i couldn't find anyone.
I walked a little bit further and saw Louis sitting down on a chair.
Of course i directly went the opposite way and walked back outside.

I decided to text Emma:

Hey emm, already on set?

Almost there! Can you wait outside for me please? Would be lovely!

Emm finally arrived after 5minutes. I still had my visor on Louis, that bastard.
"Hey! Thanks for waiting" Emma walked over and hugged me.

We walked into the building and Louis noticed.
"Look who are here!" he walked towards us and tried to hug us at the same time but i I slipped under his arm and walked over to Sabrina and Daniel who were sitting behind the sliding glass door outside.

My only task today was to avoid Louis even though I had plenty of scenes to film with him today.

"Hey hey hey, where do you think you are going?" Louis came after me but i just slammed the sliding door in his face.

"Wow someone is avoiding someone" Daniel looked at Louis who was standing behind the glass
"Maby" and i sighed
"It was already resolved between you guys, wasn't it?" Sabrina asked surprisingly
"Wait what happend before this?" Daniel was curious
"Nothing to worry about!"
And on the perfect time, Kyle came to take us to our trucks. He saved my life.

A minute later, i realized he didn't save my life at all. He saved my life for like 5minutes, but now he only destroyed it.

Louis truck was connected to mine. He only had to open one door and he was standing in the middle of my truck.
I asked to get another one but of course they didn't understand.

Sitting on my couch waiting 'till it was time to go to the make up truck, i heard some noice coming out of Louis' side of the truck.
"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed towards the door so he could hear it.
"I'm trying to open the door" he said
"Glad i locked it!" I yelled at my loudest.
I heard Louis sighing from the other side.

10minutes flew by and i had to go to the make up truck.

"Louis was here 5 minutes ago! He asked me, to ask you if u wanted to talk to him normally" Sabrina said when i came into the truck
"So he lost his tongue?" I rolled my eyes
"How can he ask you, if you are avoiding him in every single way you can avoid someone?" Sabrina her words made sense
"Didn't think about that, sorry!" I smiled awkwardly and sat down in the make up chair.

Make up was done and i looked like a baddie.
"Ready for your scene with Daniel?" Kelly asked
"Of course i am!" And i smiled.

"CUT" Samuel shouted
The scene went great. Daniel and i can play so well together, we always get compliments.

When the scene was done, i had nothing to do for an hour.
And there was Louis again but i turned my back to him.
"I think there is someone who wants to talk to you, don't you think?" Daniel grabbed my shoulders and turned me around
"If i have to" i rolled my eyes and waited for Louis to confront me.

"Uh y/n, i know you are avoiding me, but we really have to talk. If u want or not, it's necessary!" Louis said with his calm voice
"Ugh fine" i said rudely
"Let's go outside, the weather is great and no one can disturb us there" he grabbed my arm and took me outside
"It's more quiet over here" he continued and smiled
"So what's wrong?" I acted like i didn't care at all
"No no no, wrong question. What is wrong with you?" He asked me
"I can better ask you that question my dear!" I rolled my eyes
"No time to be childish."
"You know what, u can suck it! I don't want to talk to you right now cause i'm not really in the mood what you probably noticed already" i tried to walk away
"Common y/n. I want to have a serious conversation with you, about what i did, about the conclusion i took by myself where i maby had to include you in"
"Last time, go fuck yourself Louis" and i ran away holding back my tears.

"Y/n, u just disappeared! You have a scene in 10minutes with Emma and then your last scene of today is with Louis again!" Kelly came to me in a rush
"Oh yeah i know, i was just taking a fresh breath!"
"You okey y/n?" Kelly seemed worried
"Only a headache but nothing else!" And i went back to the studio...

The scene with Emma went great! But the one with Louis got a little bit out of hand...

We immediately need a flashback!
(Next chapter)

Authors note:
Apparently something went wrong with this chapter so i hope everyone can still read the right chapter! If there is a problem, please tell me! xx

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