Chapter 31

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"So how was yesterday? Your first day free? You hanged out with Louis right?" Eva asked me while we were eating at the lunch tables (@ school of course)
"I can say it was fun" I immediately started blushing and laughing like a person that was more then happy
"We all know that laugh, don't we?" Adam looked at Liz and Eva
"Stop, u guys make me smile even more" i grinned
"Now are you going to tell us what happend? Or did nothing happend like you always say and then we have to hear about you kissing Louis?" Liz rolled her eyes in a sarcastic way
"We just went to Londen city in the evening. We took the buss and walked around. And i can really say Londen is the best at night, or especially in the dark."
"That can't be it. Tell us more. Every little detail!" Adam winked
"Well it started raining like crazy so we kinda ran to the bus station again, and yeah we were literally soaking wet and my feet hurt, that too..."
"And then we kissed in the rain because that is so romantic! I know the story y/n." Liz tried to finish it and she kinda nailed it
"Ah oh, you see what i see? The girl became a tomato in not even one second." Adam pointed at me
"I knew something happend. I just knew it" Eva clapped
"We are still waiting for a confirmation!"
"Aaaaaaa you guys know me to well" and i put on my hood from my jacket.
"I'm so happy for you!" They all said
"Y'all, we are not together yet" i disappointed them
"Girl why not? You guys are made for each other"
"We still have one problem. An actually big problem..." everyone went completely quiet
"You r making me scared!" Eva said
"Tell us the problem, and well right now" Daniel went on
"Christina of course. She is always the problem! And i am never wrong!" I sighed
"I have only one question: is she even still alive? I mean, she just disappeared or is it just me? I haven't seen her in such a long time" Liz looked around
"Well, she is in our class. I see her almost every day but i don't mind if she wasn't alive anymore" i laughed
"Don't take it this far. We are not going to murder!" Eva said to me when i took my knife and was looking around to find Christina.
"Serious? I was really looking forward to it!" I joked.
"Enough about this kill sh*t. Let's go talk again about our problem" Adam raised his voice
"Our problem? HER problem!" Liz raised her voice too
"Okey, i'm going to break the deal but the fact he is kinda still together with her even tho they almost have a break for a month or two months?  But just I think you have to wait till they really break up. I mean, cheating is a literally crime and even tho Christina is full of bullsh*t, you can't do that to her" Eva was so so so right omg.
"Yeah i know but how long do i have to wait then? I'm not going to wait my whole life for Louis. He have to make a decision now or later." I said
"That depends on him. But he is really craving to you so it will not take long!" Eva again
"Girl, you have to look at it this way. Christina or you. No other choice! He cannot have two girlfriends, THAT is truly a crime" Liz said finally something that made sense lol.
"Yeah, Liz is right. It is either you or Christi. No other options, no other possibilities, he has to choose. But that is indeed on him" adam played the smart ass
"I will talk with him. And we will see right? I'm not going to count on the decision Louis will made. If he is smart, he is going for me ofc, if he is not going for me, he lost a good good good piece and he will never get that another time. It is now or never." The power i hold inside was intense
"That power you hold b*tch!" Liz cheered
"Yes queen, know your worth!!!" Adam hyped me up

They definitely made me thinking. I mean it made so so so much sense what they said but still, i want him to choose me.

The way he looked at me, the way he holds my hand, the way he lays his arm around me every time again and just the way he acts when i'm around. Everything is perfect. Why is there always one person to destroy your own side of paradise?

And how weird would it be for Christina if he chooses me?
Christina gave Louis literally a second chance after our kiss and now it seems he breaks up with her for ME? Well we don't know yet if he is gonna choose me but i'm counting on it even tho i said i wasn't but i wanted to look tough yk, oops.

I'm seeing Louis in two days.
We are going for a walk because we almost have our exams and i'm already stressing out.
And then next month the Premier of our film? AND the situation with Christina?
I can't say i have no stress because i'm dying already and nothing of those things started...

Authors note:
I'm so so so sorry for not posting in two days. I am extremely busy and i don't have that much time to write rn. I just want to apologize, even tho 2 days is not that long but still.
Sowwy hihi

My spotlight/Louis PartridgeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя