Chapter 17

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It was the 3rd day of the schoolweek already and i really enjoyed it, but the enjoyment was slowly over:

"Where is that st*pid lying b*tch?" Christina screamed when she walked to the table where i was sitting with my friends

Everyone looked at me immediately and i felt my food in my stomach mixing up

"You really messed it up, you know that right? And don't you dare think i'm not going to make your life a hell!"
"Christina can we talk somewhere else? I've no idea why you're so mad" i sighed because I definitely knew where it was about.

She grabbed my arm aggressively and dragged me with her to the toilets.
"That you could ever think i would never found out, you really think you are the bomb, don't you?
That everyone likes you? That you are loved by most of the people? Let me tell you a story:  YOU ARE NOT!" She said to me in a sort of yelling voice
"Still waiting for your point to prove" i rolled my eyes
"I'm not here to prove a point, i'm here to let you see you are not worth anyone, especially not Louis. So stay out of his way, and don't you try to do another st*pid thing where you can't be proud of!"
"I'm literally almost everyday with Louis on set, how can i stay away from him?" I said with my b*tchy rest face to make her feel dumb
"I don't think you are really getting it, do you?"
"No i don't Christina, what did i do according to you?" I kept on going
"You kissed MY boyfriend on MY party, you little rat!"
"PLEEEEEASE say you don't believe rumors?"
"You think i can't trust my sources? Are you really that dumb to think i have no evidence against you?" She started grinning
"Look honey: i don't remember everything but first you hugged Louis on the stairs" she continued
I cut her off "because he safed me from ALMOST GETTING RAPED?" I said rudely
"Don't interrupt me, i'm not done yet!" She said
"Second, you walk away and that was all planned because you wanted Louis to follow you, and there it was: THE PERFECT MOMENT TO KISS HIM! And don't say i haven't got good sources because literally 4persons saw you two, they might have pictures" she continued and right away finished her bloody story that completely was wrong.

"Oh yeah, one last thing" she said before opening the door
"Louis already confirmed it, so no way out" and she slammed the door right in my face.

This was awful.
Louis lied to her, blamed me for everything cause of confirming the story about me kissing him?!

What is this crab?

"What was that about? I got a heart attack when she came to our table!" Liz said when i sat down again on the table
"Just some crab about Louis... And of course she threatened me and everything" i tried to act as normal as i could
"How can you be so calm after she almost murdered you?" Adam asked
"I'm used to it" and took another sip of my water

"You do not have to tell me but why did she threatened you?" Adam and i walked to class
"So at the party of Christina a loooong time ago, Louis tried to kiss me because he was DRUNK, i pushed him away but now some sources of Christina are saying that we kissed and Louis confirmed that, but instead he said he tried to kiss me, he said i was the one and he did not even mentioned about me pulling away and stuff"
"And why haven't you told me omg? This is the big stuff!" Adam was kinda hyped weirdly enough
"This isn't big at all so we don't have to act like the world is going to explode. We keep it between us and live our life's the fullest" i said

I can't live with the fact that i still have to do so so so much scenes with him because we really getting to the end and then this stuff happens.

I'm so not okey with this and i'm gonna say that in Louis' face!!!


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