Chapter 25

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When everyone was kinda gone and drunk, Liv took us outside and said we had to go home.

But sadly enough, we couldn't go home.

We were 30minutes away from the house of Sabrina and the busses stopped driving.

The nightmare had just begun...

"Calm down y'all, in the worse we can sleep in a hotel near by" Sabrina was trying to calm us but it didn't really work actually.
"Do you see a hotel here? And do we even have enough money to pay a hotel?" I was stressing out
"We can all stay in one hotel room. It is only for one night and we can sleep the whole day after right? Some people can sleep on the floor, then there is no problem!" Sabrina couldn't really convince me
"Can't we call June? He probably has a drivers license?" I asked
"If he is not asleep" Sabrina rolled her eyes
"We can always try right?" Louis kinda defended me

We almost called like 3 times but he was already asleep.

For one minute we were trying to lift of to stop a taxi but they all acted like they couldn't see us. It was not like we are invisible...

"Then try the hotel plan?" Daniel asked
"If we find one!" I complained
"Wait i hear something!" Liv yelled.
We all looked at our phones.
"Where are you waiting for! Pick up!" Louis yelled at Sabrina who got a call back from her brother

It would take around 25minutes 'till he was there. Way to long if u ask me but anyways, we hadn't had to sleep in a hotel anymore with all of us so that's great!

After a few minutes a man came to us.
"Hello guys, are you waiting for someone? Can i help y'all?" On the first look he seemed pretty nice
"We are waiting for someone to pick us up, we don't need help but thanks." Emma talked back
"You guys can always stay at my house!" He winked at us
"Uh no thanks. Have a nice night!" We all said
"If u guys were smart, u would take the offer, especially for the girls. I am a dream man in bed!" He seemed tipsy idk
"Again, no thanks!" He came to me
"Listen girl, if i say you have to come with me, u should better come. Don't be scared!" The creep came closer and closer
"She said no sir!" Louis walked over to the man
"Oh so now you are defending your girlfriend?" He laughed
"Back off man. Go home and go find some other girls!" Louis really cared about me.
"You want to fight?" The man was almost 2 heads taller then Lou.
"Louis don't!" Emma ordered
"Don't cause trouble Lou. U don't want to do this!" I said
"Oh and now they are defending you? Cute!" He prepared his hand to hit Louis in the face.
Emma took rapidly a picture of him and Louis and the scary man kept staring at each other.

In one second Louis was laying on the ground with a bloody lip.
"Louis, u okey?" I stood there with tears in my eyes. I haven't been this scared in my life after that incident with that boy on Christina's party..
The man walked gladly away.
I helped Louis up and a simple tear dropped down my face.
"It's alright Y/n. You don't have to be scared!" And Louis gave me a warm hug. Another magical moment. His hugs makes me feel so safe.

Almost a half an hour past and June was still not there.
Louis' lip was still bleeding and i was still panicking.
"But now i just have one question for you Sabri, how can we all fit in that car?" Emma was already quiet sober because she was the most drunk person in our group
"I'm good in answering question but not at this one sorry"
"Probably with like 5 persons in the back! And one in front!" I answered
"I can sit on someone's lap. The tallest person can sit in front and maby someone else can sit on another lap too" Liv was a smartypants.
"Good idea Livvvvv" Sabrina gave her a high-five

After like 50 minutes sitting on the ground we finally saw the car of June. I have never been this happy to see a freaking car.

Daniel in the front, Liv on the lap of Emma, me on the lab of Louis and Sabrina in the middle of the back seat.

"Y/n, you are sitting safe in the back?" June asked me and i was quiet surprised of that because he only asked ME.
"Yeah, Louis is holding me tightly!" I reacted.

June likes me even tho he don't know me. He likes the outside of me, i think it is like that.
But he is literally 19 almost 20 and i'm 16 almost 17. I don't like the age cap. But if it is not going to the work out with Lou, we can always try things with June don't you think? *wink wink*

We finally made it to the house of Sabrina.
Everyone was tired and in a little shock of what happend.

We went straight to bed and i talked with Louis a bit.
Oh and before i forget to say: it was already 4am😩
"So June likes you right?" He whispered
"Maby, i don't know him and he don't know me so uh i think he is just interested" i said
"Mm i don't like him"
Okey but isn't that a form of Jealously?
"I'm not gonna judge on someone who i don't know" i smirked
"I cannot be the only one who can just see how a person is. Like i can literally see that we are going to hate each other. Periodt!"
"Yeah i understand that. I have that too. So i can't be judgy actually" Louis punched me in the face with a pillow after i said that.
"Boy i'm trying to sleep. Punching me in the face does not really help me with it!" I laughed
"Sleepwell cutie!" And he turned around and put off the lights.

I really get mixed feelings from him.
Like is he still with Christina or?

All big questions!!

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