Chapter 13

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After being sick all the time, we could finally get off the stupid boat.

We had to take a cab to the hotel, but they said it was only a 10-minute drive.

Everyone dragged their suitcases along the floor to their rooms (on the 4th floor).
We all had rooms more or less next to each other but the crew slept on the 3rd floor.

It was a pretty posh hotel but I guess that was ok, now that we're going to be superstars ;)

"Dinner at 8pm!" Kyle shouted through the corridors

"What are you going to wear?" Sabrina asked as she was piling up her whole suitcase
"They invented closets, you know?" I laughed a little
"Are you going to tell me what to wear or are you just going to comment on me?" She rolled her eyes.
"Oh sorry sorry, I'll just put on a black sweater with jeans... there's no way I'm getting dressed up for an hour-long dinner! I'm hella tired" I snarled and lay back down on the blissful bed

I did not know how to behave at the table.
The awkward vibe was back and everyone looked like a zombie.

"Everyone is going to sleep early tonight because tomorrow is another busy day. At 7:30 we expect you downstairs at the breakfast room in the outfit you will be wearing when we go to set. And remember: NO MAKE UP, we do that in the make up truck." Kyle got up to leave the table

"Well guys, you heard it. No fun tonight" Daniel sighed
"I don't even want fun tonight, i just want my bed" I yawned very loudly
"We're going to our room to sleep then" Sabrina said
"See you guys tomorrow" and we walked upstairs

Whether Emma and Liv stayed up late we don't know, but we're obviously the smart ones to go to bed early.

Louis and Daniel were in case, not the smarty pants at least, we thought.
"Y/n, u hear that noice too?" Sabrina asked with a sleepy voice
"Yeah, i cannot sleep because of that. I think it's coming from the room next to us" i yawned
"Louis' and Daniels room?"
"Probably, i will say something to them" i stood up, took a hoodie out of the closet and went outside.

You could even hear the weird noice in the hallway.

I knocked on the door of Lou and Daniel.
"Open the door, and well, right now" i knocked on the door again after they didn't opened it
"Hello?" Louis finally opened the door with his sleeping mask still on his head.
"Please stop making so much noice, it is going to be a busy day tomorrow and we all try to sleep" i wanted to walk away
"Excuse us, we are not making any noice" Louis rolled his eyes
"It's coming from your side of the hotel, so it must be you two" i said rudely
"Maby you have to look outside" and Louis slammed the door right in my face

"And?" Sabrina asked when i entered the room
"They said we had to look out of the window" i opened the curtains

"Damn" i yawned again cause i was tired as f*ck
"What?" She turned around
"Come and look" i said and Sabrina came out of bed real slow
"Yikes" she said and went to bed again

The noice came indeed not from Lou and Dani, it came from the youngsters outside who were drunk as hell.

Gladly, after 15 minutes they left.

When I finally lie in bed again, i was thinking of the fact that tomorrow is the first day of filming in Scotland, which I am really excited and nervous about.

Good reason to go to sleep, right now.

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