Chapter 11

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I was making myself ready for the party.
"A little blush here, a bit of concealer there, mascara on my lashes, a bit of lipgloss?" I was muttering to myself

I gave myself a last look in the mirror and went downstairs
"I'm definitely going to steal that dress one day" Emily said who was staring at me with her mouth wide open
"You look stunning!" My dad and mom looked at each other
"Thank y'all so much, but mom we have to go now!" I smiled and mum took her car keys.

We arrived at the house of Christina.
"If there is someone, call me and i will pick you up" mother said to me
"Nothing will happen! See you tomorrow!"
"If you can't sleep last minute at Eva's, u can call me!" She smiled when i walked out of the car

I walked in and immediately saw a bunch of people dancing to the music.

"Ooh welcome y/n! Come in" Christina said to me who was already drunk or something.
"Thank you" i smiled

Searching for Eva in Christina's house, which literally looked like a palace, I looked at all the people who were going crazy to the music, but Eva and the others were nowhere to be seen.

I had already my 5th cocktail because I was dying of thirst.

Finally I saw Louis! He looked quite normal. Maybe a bit tipsy but that was it, or he can just stand alcohol very good.
"Hey Louis, have you seen Eva?"
"Oh hey y/n, i'm glad you're here! And sorry no, haven't seen her but you can look upstairs" he said

I walked upstairs but had forgotten for a moment that Christina's house was a real maze (labyrinth).

One time I went inside the bathroom, the other time in a bedroom and so it went on.

In the meantime I was drinking my 7th cocktail and I also noticed that I was getting a bit drunk, at least a lot looser.

At a certain point, it no longer mattered where Eva and the others were. I could have a good time with all the others.

When I finally walked back upstairs to find Eva again, it turned out that two hours had already passed.
It was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

"Hey gorgeous, everything alright? Looking for someone?" A boy around my age asked
"Everything alright!" I smiled
"i'm tom!"  The blond tall boy said
"Nice to meet you tom. I'm y/n!" I shook his hand
"Already enjoyed the party?" Tom said who was a lil drunk
"I definitely did and i guess you did too!" I grinned
"Is it so obvious?" He laughed and took my hand
"What are you doing?" I asked him
"Going to make some fun" he pushed me in a room
"We can't come in here! This is forbidden territory!" I said stressing the fuck out of myself
"Come on! Who doesn't like exiting things? You are not gonna ruin this fun moment? Are you?"
"Tom stop" i said trying to open the door but he locked it

he leaned over to kiss me. Not really what i wanted cause i didn't know that guy and second: HE WAS DRUNK!

"Let me touch you" tom said and touched my back first and then my face
"Please stop right now, i'm asking you, please stop!"
"Don't be scared, i'm not going to hurt you" he said taking of his shirt

"If u want, u can take your own dress, or i'll do it" he smirked
"No one is going to take off my dress" i tried to get out of his hands

He started to kiss my neck and if i didn't do anything, it would get worse

"EVA, LIZ, DANIEL, LOUIS OR SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as i could
"No one is gonna hear you sweetheart. So i just do it quick and then i will let you go" he tried to open up my dress

He touched my butt, but at that moment someone tried to open the door
"Please Tom, open the door now!" I begged him

"listen to her and open the door" a male voice said behind the door
"Why can't no one understand i just want some fun" tom said and opened the door

"LOUIS!" A simple tear fell down my cheek when i finally saw the person i wanted to see
"You alright, y/n?" He hugged me
"He- he was- he- he" i tried to say but i was to much in a shock

"Look buddy, leave right now or i will make you leave!" Louis turned to Tom
"Chill bro, is this your party? Or is it the party of Christina? Make HER sending me out!" He came closer to Louis

"What is going on here?" Christina came
"This little boy has to leave, he did enough" Louis hugged me again cause i was literally shaking
"Tom, you can leave now!" Christina said looking at me with a dirty look

I walked downstairs with Louis and Christina who were kinda in shock what happend.
And of course, Christina thought it was the right moment to set me in the right place to tell me i had to stop hugging Louis....

"Don't ever touch Louis again or i'll do you something!" That evil b*tch said to me
"I almost got raped and you are worrying about a hug? Common Christina, grow up!" I said rolling my eyes while there were still tears running down my face.
"Am i clear?" She said giving me a lil push
"You little pathetic monster" i said pushing everyone away because i wanted to go home

While i was calling my mum outside to come and pick me up, Louis ran towards me
"Y/n, i'm so sorry about what happend to you" he hugged me again
"It's fine... he was drunk" i sighed
"That's not fine y/n! U got touched without your permission" he rubbed over my back
"I'm going home, it has been enough this week. I'm tired" a tear ran AGAIN down my cheek. I was a little water fontein tonight....

Louis wiped away my tear on my face and placed his hand on my cheek.

I don't know for how long we stared in each other eyes but someone had to break it, and that someone, was: Louis.

In no time his lips were on mine and you guys can never understand how guilty i felt. I pulled away the first second of him kissing me.
"Louis, this is wrong" i said and pulled away

I really wanted to go home now.

"I'm so sorry it just happe-" he tried to say but i cut him off
"Go back inside please" i saw my mom's car and got in.

Authors note:
I'm pretty proud of this one, but i'm not that proud of what happend with y/n.
If u ever got touched without your permission, i'm so sorry for you. Whenever you are ready, tell someone who is standing close to you or tell the police.
I want you all to know that you guys are loved and i hope y'all are okay!
Have a nice morning/day/evening
Xx c

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