Chapter 19

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*flashback about the scene with Louis and Y/n*

"Y/n, you have to change your outfit real quick" Kelly said and y/n ran to her trailer to change clothes

"Louis, u put the wrong shoes on, common mate! Go change shoes!" Kelly said to Louis

Actually in the beginning it completely went wrong already...

I will also explain the scene between Y/n and Louis since that is a bit of the part of it:
The scene is about Anya and Tyler who have a fight.
The fight is about the fact that Tyler keeps lying to Anya but also his friends, family and even himself.
Anya tries to say that but she can't stay calm at all during their talk fight.
(I kinda recognize this from somewhere, and i hope you do too...)

"Everybody ready? ACTION!" Samuel shouted like always


"Tyler i don't want to hear any excuses anymore"
"Anya common, we are not toddlers! Let me just explain for one second!" Tyler looked at Anya
"Tyler, it has been enough!" A tear ran down the cheek of Anya
"Look, you are the problem here. U don't even want to listen to me. U always say you have no time when we need to talk, or you ran away. So for god sake, can u once listen to me?" Tyler begged
"All those lies, only for your own reputation, only for your own feelings... don't you really see you are so f*cking selfish Tyler? You need glasses?" Anya yelled
"If u are not going to listen to me, i'm not going to listen to you."
"Fine! But go be your f*cking selfish self, and go make more decisions that are in your favor, like all the time." This time it wasn't Anya shouting things, this time it was right out of the heart of y/n!

"THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE SCENE!" Samuel screamed but the two didn't stop.
It was a fight between Louis and Y/n.

"You did me so dirty and now you think i can just talk with you? Do i look stupid? Do i look like a person who is going to forgive u in one snap?" Y/n went on a rampage against Louis.
"I never said that" Louis tried to defend himself
"But u meant it..." a tear ran again down her face
"How could you know?" Louis went against her
"You still don't know what kind of troubles u caused with your st*pid decision, do you? How you lied to me, and also to your f*cking girlfriend? How you cheated on her? How you set a opinion about me towards all the friends of Christina even Christina herself?  And what was even the worst thing that could happen if u told her the truth? Her breaking up with you? She wasn't even good for you Louis! Christina has been a b*tch since the day she was born and made my life a hell, and soon when you guys are no longer together, she will make you life a hell too..." y/n went crazy
"You really have to calm down y/n!" You saw the fear in Louis' eyes.
"The fact you've never listened to me, talking about Christina, what she can do. How she manipulated me and plenty of others. How she is spreading rumors about me because u told her a f*cking lie where i have to live my whole school career with? You don't know what she can do, Do you? You are such a piece of shit!" Y/n was finally done with her talks and ran away to the toilets where she cried her eyeballs out.

"Why didn't you say 'CUT' ?" Kelly asked Samuel
"It was quiet entertainment, wasn't it? And i didn't want to came between them. Y/n was really going for it" The -at that moment- heartless Samuel said
"Yeah and now our main character bursted down into tears and no one can find her?" Kelly walked away and tried to find Y/n.

No one could find her, but that one smart little girl named Liv, could!

"Y/n, i know you are here!" Liv whispered coming into the toilets
"You won" and y/n came out of a toilet
"Your eyes, y/n! Did u cried a river or something?"
"My eyes are fine. Just a little bit red, that's all." The cry baby muttered
"Everyone is looking for you, after that show of you"
"I'm glad everyone enjoyed the show" again many tears ran down her face
"I didn't say that. Everyone is god damn worried about you" Liv tried to calm her down
"Yeah, and probably even more about Louis. I bet everyone is now  comforting Louis cause i started yelling at him, WELL-DESERVED!" Y/n said
"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but what you said was kinda rude. Maby he deserved it but how can we know, if we don't know what happend?" Liv said with her calmly childish voice
"You are way to grown up for a teen of 13 years old!"
"I'll take that as a compliment!" Liv smiled
"You better do!" Y/n laughed again
"I'm glad you finally laugh but can i still know what happend?" Liv clenched her teeth.
"I'll tell you the short version: Louis kissed me on the party of Christina. I pulled away of course because cheating is completely wrong and he was drunk" she said
"Oh gosh" That was Liv her response
"The story is not finished yet!" Y/n continued
"So Louis didn't say anything to Christina cause he thought she would never find out. Apparently 'her sources' found out and told Christina. Christina confronted Louis and Louis told her I was the one who kissed him and he pulled away? He literally flipped the story and made ME the jerk... Christina came to me at school and threatened me and everything. Now i'm mad at Louis because he ruined my school career cause if u mess with Christina the bitch, u mess with all her friends. And i'll tell you, she has a lot friends" y/n stopped crying
"I'm so so so sorry for you y/n. I had no idea that happend. U don't deserve this, and he indeed deserved to know his worth" Liv stood on the side of Y/n. What Louis did was completely wrong!!

Authors note:
This chapter is chaotic! But i kinda like it because the things happening between Louis and y/n are also very chaotic.

I also want to mention again that i'm on a holiday (in Greece if u want to know). This kinda means i can't always post a new chapter everyday. I hope you guys understand!

Thanks for reading!
xx C

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