Chapter 39

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Hey everyone, this is kinda the end of my story with Louis.

Louis became so important to me, which is understandable cause he is still my boyfriend.

But anyways: i ended the story with me laying in the hospital, after i drunk way to much at the premier of my very first film 'hide and seek' .
The whole process of 'hide and seek' was amazing, so you probably heard in my chapters.
I gained amazing friends and even a boyfriend (so you know) while filming where i thought it was never possible. 

You probably wondering if my life changed lots after the film, and it kinda did:

- Of course it was known that I was being looked at a lot more in public places and school, that people were asking for photos and autographs

- but also that I had to do a lot more with my instagram

-and get a manager for my interviews and youtube videos that I had to do.

- I also have a lot less privacy and Louis and I still have to keep our relationship a secret because we don't want all that bullshit you know.

- Of course, I also got some pocket change from the film so I went on a girls + Adam trip to Italy and that was really great.
Only, Louis was a bit jealous, but we will still go on a holiday together sometimes.
His parents also want to arrange a surprise for Louis, that I arrive 4 days later at his holiday destination without him knowing and i find that an amazing idea!

I would like to take a gap year so I can focus on acting and Louis finds that attractive to himself too.

Oh yeah, and i'm kinda in a hurry because imma leave town again to go to Scotland for a few acting classes and i will stay there for two months to find myself and everything...
"Louis, have you seen my phone charger? I'm sure i saw it on my bed last time i checked!" I said to Louis while i packed my last things for Scotland.
"Uh haven't seen it sorry. But here are your ear pods!" He looked me in the eyes
"I'm gonna miss you" i hugged him tightly
"It is only for 2 months girly."
"I saw you almost everyday so two months is gonna be hard you know. But anyways, i have to go in 5minutes!" I tried to laugh but the fact this was the first time i travelled in my one was scary.
"You will be okey!"
"I hope!"
"Yes woman. And remember: you will always be my spotlight!"
"And you will always be mine"


Authors note:
Next chapter is a word of mine!
Hope you liked it!
And damn this chapter was messy!! Sorreeeyy hihi

My spotlight/Louis PartridgeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin