Chapter 32

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Lou and I would go for a walk tonight, to clear our thoughts was the plan.
I actually wanted to discuss the situation we're in.
I mean, i don't have any clarity at all.

I took my bike and rode to his house because that was our meeting place for tonight.
When i was cycling i felt like a homeless man because if you saw what i was wearing...
I had a grey sweater on that was way to big and sweatpants in another tint of grey (so that didn't match at all) with a messy bun in my hair and no make up. It looked like i stepped out of my grave after being buried ?!¿

I arrived and rang the doorbell.
I was very surprised when Millie opened the door
"Louis is still in the shower. U can wait here!" Millie said.
I walked in and sat down on the couch in the living room with Issie.
"How are you girly? Can i get you something to drink?" Issie asked me
"i'm fine thank you! How are you?"
"Great!" She smiled. I smiled back and opened my snaps.
"I heard that is goes very well between u and my little bro, is that right?" She winked
"Well what can i say?" I became a tomato again...
"You can say something like 'yes or no'!" She laughed
"Did Louis told you?" I asked curiously
"I hope you don't mind but yes. He did told us a few things. About the kiss and how hard u guys laughed" i was totally freaking out because he told his sisters but do they even know he has still a girlfriend? I mean it is so sweet he told them because he really likes me i think but i just, idk.

On the perfect time Louis came down.
"Sorry that it took me so long. We can go for a walk right now!" He lead me to the door.

When we were standing outside he tried to kiss me. I pulled away because i just need some clarity first.
"Is there something wrong y/n?" He asked
"No. I mean yes but not really" i was very unclear
"A simple yes or no had been enough but tell me ab your thoughts!"
"I don't really know how to say this but i just want some clarity because i'm really struggling about the situation we are in"
"Uh situation? Clarify please?" He asked
"Well it just, you took a break with Christina but you guys didn't officially break up and that's kinda in my way"
"Yeah we didn't break up officially but we technically did. I mean, it doesn't seem like we are still together right?" He was very convinced about the fact they had nothing with each other anymore.
"But what if she sees us together? Then she will say it is cheating. You have to talk with her"
"Yeah but if i talk to her she wants us to be a normal couple again. We can also just date behind her back. Only kissing and hugging each other at home or a safe place?"
"Or you can tell Christina you want to break up and then we don't have to do all of that!" I rolled my eyes
"I think i like the 'go date y/n behind her back' more then your idea"
"So you want to take the complicated way? We are not going to be able to keep that up for i dunno how long" i sighed
"Common girl. I really like you y/n. I want you okey? I want you, only you" he gave me a hug
"I want you too Lou but sometimes you have to do something for the ones you love. So please please please go talk with Christina. For me? For your love?" I stood on my tones to give him a kiss because he is way to tall.
"I will think about it" he smirked
He took my hand and we ran thru the streets.

At one point he just stopped walking.
"What's wrong?" I leaned on him
"I have to ask you something. Something really important!"
"You are making me scared!"
"Omg it is nothing to be scared off" he hugged me tightly again and i felt his breath flowing over my skin.
"Are you still going to ask me something?" I whispered in his ear
"Can i call you mine?" He whispered back
"You want to be my boyfriend?" I looked in his eyes
"Of course i want to"
"What about Christina then?"
"Shut up about Christina and go focus on me" he smiled.

We walked quietly (as girl/boyfriend) for 15minutes straight and then finally went back.

He gave me a 'goodbye' kiss and i cycled back.

I dunno if i'm really happy with the fact we are together and he is still together with Christina. He has like 2 girlfriends now, that is quiet weird if u ask me. But i think he will focus on me and not on that stupid bitch.

And oh yeah, before i forgot to say lol. The trailer comes out tomorrow!! I'm so exited and the announcement was 2 weeks ago. It is not like i get recognized on the street. Well Louis does but people just look at me like i have a familiar face but that is it. When the trailer comes out it will get like more you know.

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