Chapter 26

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Again i woke up from the heath Louis was giving off.
This time his legs were intertwined in mine and his hands were around my stomach.

Of course i was suffering from a small hang over and i had to throw up the second i moved a little.
As fast as i could i escaped out of the arms of Louis and ran to the bathroom we shared.

After my barf session i went downstairs because i felt so so so bad.
They say ginger juice is a good one to make your hang over go away.

I took some ginger juice and sat down on the couch in her living room.

I was hella scared when i heard a weird noice coming from the garage.
First I thought i was in the middle of a robbery.
I was way to scared to go and look but i took all my courage together and went to look cause it was my besties house and i'm not let a robbery happen when i'm hearing it.

I took a knife from the kitchen and walked over to the garage.
"Holy damn, y/n, take that knife down!" June was searching something in the garage
"June u scared me. It is literally 7am and u are making robbery noice!" I sighed
"I have to go to work in an hour and i'm looking for my workin' shirt!" He said
"Oh i saw that one in the bathroom of me and Lou!"
"Oh can u please go and take it?" He put on his puppy eyes
"Fine" i wobbled to the bathroom because i was nauseous as f*ck.

"Oh you are a hero!" June hugged me
"It is only a t-shirt, that doesn't make me a hero" i rolled my eyes
"Are u okey? U are as white as a snowman!" He grinned
"Hang over!"
"Already tried ginger juice?" He asked
"Yeah of course. Not the first time i drank to much!" I laughed
"I will make you some pancakes, i have to eat anyways!" He smiled

We sat down on the breakfast table and he stared at me like i was something special even tho i'm just a piece of meat.

"Is there something on my face or what?" I asked
He put on a bigger smile then before and answered my question "i just like your morning face!"
"Then you are the only one!"
"So how are things going with Louis?" He asked very randomly
"We are just friends. Why?"
"Just the way you guys look at each other like there is a sort of chemistry between u guys!"
"He has a girlfriend so no chance for me yet!"
"Oh so i still have a chance?" He became red
"Uh maby!"
"That is not a no so i'm happy!"
"You don't even know me, why would you want a chance? I'm not as fun as i look like!"
"The stories Sabri told me, the way u look, the way you are so mature and just the way you are a b*tch sometimes!" He is a sweetie pie but my head is graving for Louis
"You make me blush!"
"As i should!" And he stood up and took my plate and left for work.

I was cold and tired so I went back to bed where Louis was still peacefully sleeping.
"Where have you been?" He asked with his sleepy British voice
"Downstairs, to drink some ginger juice for my hang over!"
"You feel better now?" His sleeping voice was the cutest
"Yes much better!" And i wrapped a blanket around me.

Besides the fact i woke up like 7 hours ago, i woke up 7 hours later again. Louis and I were so tired and when we looked downstairs, there was no one sitting on the breakfast table or in the tv room.
That kinda means everyone was tired.

Actually the days here are so chill, maby a little bit too chill. But tomorrow we would go to the beach and in the evening Sabrina, Emma and i were going to cook.

"Oh look Daniel and Emma are alive?" I joked
"It's a miracle!" Louis grinned
"It is so early, why are you guys already awake?" Daniel came down with his sleepy voice
"Oh boy, it is 2pm!" I yawned oops
"Wait serious?" Emma looked at Dani

We waited for Sabrina and Liv to come down. We literally waited so long for them to finally hear they were not even home.
They seriously went to the grocery store for tonight.
But they appreciated the fact that we waited.
We didn't appreciated it as much as they cause they went to the grocery store without saying anything, they could've been kidnapped...

But anyways, it was a movie day. Like yesterday.

Authors note:
I'm not very proud on the last episodes i posted. They are so boring but i just have no time to post anything and my idea's are running out.
In about two days i'm going back to my own country so i can probably write better there.

Know you are loved and don't forget to love yourself!

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