Chapter 30

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Look out of your window

I'm not going to sneak out again Louis.
I'm going to have home arrest for my whole life if they would notice

Just look out of your window

It was day 10 of home arrest.
And after sneaking out 7 times, i didn't want to risk anything.
But i did what Louis said. I looked out of the window.
I opened my curtains and looked down.
Well i didn't expected that...

Louis helt a white paper in front of him with the cutest words: "tomorrow is your last day of home arrest. I will wait for you at the busstation near your house. See you at 8pm!" It was the cutest thing he ever did. I mean it!

I immediately texted him back

How can one person be this sweet? What are you even doing outside, this late?

1. I am just being me
2. I just came back from a party but it wasn't that fun so i thought it was a good idea to pass your house!

See you at 8pm on the station nearby!
Good night loser! <33

Good night! Xx

I went straight to bed because tomorrow night i can finally be free again!

*next evening*
I told mum i would go out.
Of course, she didn't like the idea of me going out and injuring myself again, but I am almost 17? What does she have to say about me? NOTHING.

I stank so I decided to take a shower before I left for the bus stop.

I already had a whole outfit in my head and an idea of how I was going to do my hair etc.

After the shower I put on my black shiny dress from 'ZARA' and my white nike air forces with green accents that I also wore on the first meeting day of the film.
I put on my silver ring earrings and my silver chain with the wedding date of my parents on it.
And before I forget to mention it: I also had a super cute green bag that went really well with my shoes.

I said goodbye to my sister and parents and walked to the nearest bus stop.

Luckily, Louis was on time and was already waiting for me.
"Good evening my lady! You look stunning as always!" He bowed to me
"Well my lord, I can say the same thing about you!" I chuckled

We waited for the bus together and once on it he finally told me the plan for tonight.
"Today we are going to walk through beautiful london and explore all its most beautiful places in the dark. Then we'll find a place to eat and get the bus back!
"I've already eaten Louis"
"Then we will find a place for me to eat!" He smiled

We got out of the buss and walked over to a super cute dining place where Louis was dying to eat at.

After his food we went to see some cute little streets and of course the empty shopping street. 
"No omg Louis, are u kidding me?"
"Shit" Louis looked up to the sky
"Isn't it a good plan to go and live in Greece? I mean the weather is always good there and the sea is so so so clear!"
"If u pay, i may join you!" He laughed

My dress and his clothes were already ruined so running wouldn't help us anymore.
"Rain can be so cozy sometimes!" Louis placed his arm around my hips
"I know right."

Even tho our clothes were already soaking wet we decided to run to the busstation because we didn't want to get a fever.
"HAHAH no Louis i'm tired!"
"I'm not going to carry you, not this time!" He looked back to see me struggling with my feet
"We are already wet, why not just walking and enjoying the rain?"
"Weren't you the girl who said 'i don't want to get sick' huh? Or did i dreamt that?" Louis smirked
"Oh shut up" i can say this looked pretty much like that Outer banks scene where Sarah and John B were kissing in the rain after Sarah said 'shut up' in season one. It felt so real.

And before you don't get it. Yeah we kissed. And it is so weird i'm being so chill with it. Normally i would say for like 100 times we kissed and then being like 'it felt so magical' 'i'm so in love with him' 'this time it was so real' but nah i was just -i think- in my happy place where i didn't had to brag about the kiss he gave me.
Well maybe i have to brag about the fact he is such a good kisser. But i will mention that only once, no worries.

Everything was roses and sunshine. I mean we were holding hands while running to the busstation, we laughed way to hard so our throats began to ache, on the buss we looked in each others eyes with the 'i'm so in love with you' look and even kissed a second time when we said 'good night' to each other and went home.

But of course the roses and sunshine couldn't last long. There was always a way to keep Louis and me apart from each other. Like God doesn't want us to be together.

Oh and if u guys don't get were the problem lays, it is  the existence of CHRISTINA of course.
They took a break remember, they didn't broke up.
Maybe it felt that way for Louis but for me it doesn't feel like that.

I will see how he acts and maybe they broke up right? Maybe he just didn't tell me.
Maybe it was just time to sleep for me cause i was overthinking again like always and i just have to be happy with Louis and don't sit in with the name 'Christina' because that is only causing trouble.

Anyways, goodnight!

A N:
So what do you think?
Will they get together? Or will Christina destroy it like always?🙄🙄

Oh yeah and my reads became so low or something? I mean do i something wrong! I know the last chapters were not that good and the story goes a little fast right now but i don't want to make this story very long so i'm fasting up a bit. Hope u still enjoy❤️❤️

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