Chapter 28

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Sitting with Louis in the train made me feel uncomfortable. His eyes were focused on his phone but he was still looking at me with the corners of his eyes.

Saying the crew goodbye was hard but we will see each other in 2 months when the premier will take place.

"Are you waiting for a call or?" I asked him to break the silence.
"No why do you think that?"
"U are staring at your phone for like almost 50 minutes."
"I don't want to miss any messages, that's it!" He smiled
"Oh okay glad there is nothing wrong"
"I know you were pointing at the situation with Christina. You could just ask me but we are taking a break. We both decided that. I'm going to focus on my friends, school and acting and she the same!" I lie my head on his shoulder. I was glad with his decision. I'm proud of him. But it is just a break, they didn't broke up you know.

The whole train drive we listened to some music, lie our heads on each others shoulders and just rest.

We finally arrived at the station and mum, dad and his mum and dad were waiting for us.
"Mum i was only gone for 4 days! Don't overdo it."
I hugged my parents and Louis of course.

We ate dinner when we came home and i went straightly to bed. Not to sleep because i was tired but not like very tired.
I watched Netflix for i don't even remember how long but i think probably 3 hours...
I started watching 'Ozark' , Louis recommended me and i really like it, better said: I'm literally addicted to it.

I didn't checked the time so i decided to check for once.
"No way it is 1am" i whispered to my stuffed animals even tho i know they can talk or hear me lol.

I walked out of my room to see if my parents were still awake. Apparently they were not and my sister aswel.
I took a glass of milk downstairs and went back up.
Before i forget to say: i looked awful and so tired, i really had to go to bed.

I went to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and hair. Washed my face. Put on my pyjama's and went to bed.

I lie in bed, but not for long.
"Louis, tf are you doing here? My parents are asleep?" I opened my window. Louis was the one who kept me awake. He literally threw a f*cking stone at MY WINDOW so i would respond i mean? That is crazy.
"We have a party" he smiled
"Yes we! You are going with me!"
"I can't, my parents are asleep!"
"So if your parents would be awake, u would go? Or better said: they would let you go?"
"Uh no" i didn't think of that actually
"So where are you waiting for? Come outside! And put on a dress!"
"I can't go out"
"U just open the door, walk outside and go with me to a party!"
"My parents have the key for the front door"
"Then take the garden/back door"
"Like i said: my parents have the key"
"You can climb out of the window?" His smile was bigger then it ever was
"I'm not going to climb out of my window. You know how dangerous that is right?"
"Take the doggie door!"
"I don't even have a dog Louis!" I sighed
"Who doesn't have a dog in 2021?"
"Well, WE?!?!?" Louis is aaaa
"Just climb out of the window then!"
"I said i was not going to do that, remember?"
"Of course i don't remember, i'm Louis f*cking Partridge"
"Well Mister partridge, enjoy your party!"
"There has to be a way to get out of this way to good secure house right? Downstairs, for example? Maybe there is another window you can climb out of?"
"Lou this is insane"
"But i know you want to do this!" He winked

He is a manipulator, but like for real.
I literally risked my life FOR HIM? So he wouldn't be alone at a party?
I must be dreaming right?

Well like i said he is a manipulator and i climbed out of the kitchen window to join him...
"You missed me already?" I said finally outside
"Aaaaa who is ready for a party?"
"You didn't answer my question!"
"Maby" he hugged me

The party was 5 minutes from my house.

I think i mixed for like 7 different drinks in my stomach. I was so drunk i couldn't even feel my feet anymore.

"Is this Christina, Louis?" A boy came to us
"No man, this is my best friend and my future wife y/n!"
Did Louis just said 'future wife'?!?!? I mean he is drunk and maybe i dreamt it but omg?
"Oh nice to meet you y/n! Here another drink."
"To my future wife!" Louis yelled as we toasted.

It was a crazy night. But for real. CRAZY.

The party went on till f*cking 9am and without even thinking straight, my drunk ass went home.

5 things why that WASN'T a good idea:
1. I was drunk
2. My parents would be awake already or at least my mom
3. How did i even get out of the house? My parents have the key to get out? They would never believe i went to get some fresh air when i don't even have a damn key.
4. How can you not heard the conversation of me and Louis last night? And how he threw rocks at my window? You have to be deaf to not hear that.
5. I'm a terrible lier...

These are my 5 reasons why...
If u get what i mean! *wink wink*

I tried to open the door when i got home. Happily the door was open but that could also be a bad sign.
The first thing i did when i arrived was looking if the car of mom or dad was there.
My mums car was gone so that is perfect.
I walked in of course and on that stupid moment, my dad came down...
Why does that always happen to me? I hate my life. No actually not but at that moment i did.
"Y/n? What did you do outside?" My dad looked at me with a curious/angry face
"Oh just went for a walk to get some fresh air. I didn't feel well when i woke up!"
"You saw mum?"
"No she was already gone when i got down!" I am really a terrible lier
"You look so white? Go to bed again and try to sleep a little bit more" dad said. He wanted to gave me a hug but my clothes stank of the alcohol so i went immediately up.

You got home safely?
Not in trouble with your parents?

Yes, arrived safely with not even 1 problem.

Oh great! See you soon.

Not at my house in the middle of the night,
I hope

Oh you are way to funny for this world🙄

Have a nice day Partridgie👋🏻👋🏻

Authors note:
I just realized in  all of my chapters, i spelled 'maybe' wrong...
I feel so dumb right now but like for real.

Why did no one even said something about it? Anyways: i hope u liked it!

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