Chapter 37

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"Everyone ready?" I asked them when we arrived at the premier
"There will be a lot of people. Don't get nervous and especially, don't let anyone notice you are" Kelly was ready to open up the car door.
"Okey guys, we are going to rock this! Hide and seek forever" Louis hyped them up
"1   2   3, GOOO!" Kelly opened the door and we all saw the camera's and faces on us.

People started clapping loudly and many found it necessary to shout, and not always positive things. Of course we didn't care about the haters, this was our day and if you saw how many fans/people were there, the hate is not worth it.

We walked a few metres along the red carpet when a lot of pictures were already being taken of us. Sometimes posed, sometimes very spontaneous without us realising it.

At the end, we heard through the earpiece - which we had been given so that the editors could still hear us and give instructions - that we each had to stand next to an interviewer. That's when we all got a bit stressed out.
"Hello y/n, are you ready for an interview?" The interviewer said enthusiastically
"Born ready!" I smiled
"First question: you guys all look so fire. Did it take long and did u all decide to match with the outfits?"
"The matching outfits were pure coincidence. Of course the stylist helped us with the outfits but not that we would match. And to answer ur other question: it took quiet a bit, i'm not gonna lie!" The first question went great, but i knew this was not it.
"Are you exited about the film?"
"Every member of our cast/crew worked so hard for this film to lance so i think i can speak for all of us and say we are more then exited!"
"Cause u are mentioned your cast/crew, was it great to work with them? And did u created a bond together?"
"I can say we became a family. We were all day long together on set, and we definitely created a great bond together. I couldn't wish for better ones!" I kept smiling because i knew the question was coming about my relationship with Louis
"Now straight to the point if u don't mind. Two days ago, pictures of you and Louis appeared on the socials. U two seemed very close assuming of you holding hands with him. You can explain?"
"Me AND Louis aswel, can! We were walking in a very busy street with people chasing us and bumping into us. We didn't want to loose each other on our way so we decided to hold hands." I kept chill and calm so it looked very believable.
"Thank you so much for your time! Have a nice evening!" The interviewer ended it.

Some of us were still in an interview but i did for real 6 interviews and I thought that was enough for now. In my ear i could hear the editors said i could go into the building, but in one fast way, Louis pulled me close because people wanted pictures together. After a few pics, Sabrina and the rest joined and decided to go in, as a close cast.

"Got a lot of questions about us?" Louis whispered
"I think 4 of the 6 interviewers asked me. I got away easily! What about u?" I was kinda curious
"Only two persons asked me of the 5 interviews i did"
I was glad not a lot of people asked about it, i mean.

Standing there in the middle of the crowd, being the sort of main character, well not sort of, just THE MAIN CHARACTER felt weird.
I was there with my favorite people and nothing could be better, but i don't know, there was still something. But like i said, i'm not going to ruin my day because of that feeling even tho i didn't know exactly what was going on.
"Girl, you okey?" Emma asked
"Yes, was busy in my thoughts" i smiled and tried to focus on my friends.

*a little bit later at the night, when the premier party was almost over*

Uhm, however i don't like to tell this, i have to. But at first, the premier was amazing. But second, i was completely drunk... i was totally out of my mind and i didn't know what i was doing.
It all started with the after party. It was only the crew and a few others so that was a nice thing about it.
"Louis, did you tell Christina already, that we are together?" I don't know at all why i started to ask it to him at this moment but i was drunk
"Why? I mean no i haven't told her yet. But this is not important right now." Louis didn't know what to say
"It is to me!"
"Why are you bringing this up right now? It is so unnecessary" he rolled with his eyes.
"I just thought about it"
"Yeah because you are drunk!"
"I am not drunk" i knew i was, and he knew too.
"Just go back partying and don't drink more"
I walked back. He was angry, at least, i thought so.
"Louis, you don't have the right to be angry"
"What are you even saying? You are going to regret this conversation tomorrow. Mark my words!"
Louis tried to slip away, but i kept following him.
"If you are keep following me, i will ask a cab to bring you home" now he became angry
"Why are you even angry? It was just a question"
"Y/n common girl. Don't ruin this party, not for you and especially not for me"
"Excuse me? You ruined my life with the Christina situation!"
"why do you even bring this up y/n? Why the hell you want to destroy this party? And don't use the excuse you drunk cause 5minutes ago you said bravely that you were not drunk" Louis was mad at me, not angry, just mad. I ruined the party.

Louis called a cab for me. I had to go home. I couldn't barely walk so Louis carried me out. Lots of pictures were taken when he carried me but what he did was sweet.

From that very moment, i don't know anything.
I was just laying there, laying there in that empty room... The room i didn't want to be at that moment.

Authors note:
I'm so sorry it took so long. I'm kinda busy and well, i had no inspiration. But here it is!

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