Chapter 33

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"Girl what did i hear? U are dating Louis?" My mom came in my room while i was STILL ASLEEP.
"Great start of the day mom." I rolled my eyes
"Why haven't you told me? I'm literally your mom"
"I wanted to tell you but"
Mom cut me off "but in about two weeks? I have to know something like this, i mean. I have to keep an eye on you guys"
"Why would you have to keep an eye on us? We are together for only a f*cking DAY. You are overreacting mom"
"No i'm not. You know how it works. In a month, you are pregnant. And then what? Being a teen mom?"
"Omg Mom no. And if it happens we are going to be great parents lol"
"No not lol y/n. I'm serious. Just be safe. Always?"
"Mom chill down" i said turning around another time before having to go out of bed.
"I am chill y/n."
"No mum you are not.  Stop trying to control yourself because it is not working. Can you leave now? I want to sleep!" I sighed
"I will leave because you know what. I'm worrying right now to then hear later from you, you already had s*x with Adam your best friend"
"Omg your literally second fault! Adam is gay mom. U heard that correct. He is GAAAAAYY" i screamed and mom left. 
She is way to overprotective, i can't.

Even tho the fact my morning was ruined i had a whole day to looking forward to:
Today i have to go to school and the TRAILER COMES OUT FOR OUR NEW FILM 'Hide and seek'!! I'm literally so exited.
My teacher said she is going to show the trailer to my class and her other students.
Of course that is making me nauseous because yeah what if they don't like it? Ugh i'm dying inside...
Well i liked it.

I arrived at school and of course my friends were standing there in a line to tell me how good the trailer was cause it was launched 10 minutes ago.
(But the crew and cast saw it already 3 days ago. They sent it thru the phone).
"Y/n, you are going to be a superstar! How good were you?" Adam hyped me up.
"It is only the trailer guys. But thank you"
"Yeah i cannot wait for the whole film." Eva hugged me.
Of course there was our bestie Christina who walked towards us.
"Hey y/n! I saw the trailer of 'hide and seek' ! Congratss! You acted very well!" Omg Christina was sweet for the first time????!!!! Unbelievable!
"Oh thank you so much! I saw your photoshoot of yesterday, u shined girl. Didn't know you started modeling again?" I pretended to be interested in her life
"Oh thanks. My dad just asked me if i wanted to do a shoot but i'm not starting again i guess" she smiled
I just nodded and she walked away.
"when did you guys start acting sweet to each other?" Liz asked
"Since 1minute ago i think!" I started laughing cause this was pretty weird.

When we walked into the building i got a lot of compliments about the trailer.
They just recognized me? I mean how great is that?

When we were sitting in history class, Samuel the director called.
Because my teacher understood i could call back but this was an exception.
"Great time Samuel. I was in the middle of my history class!" I sighed
"Don't talk to me like that" he said thru the phone
"Sorry but if this happens again i can be suspended because i was absent so many times the last months"
"Oh i see. But what i wanted to say is that the trailer was received so well by everyone that we are already at place 2 in the list of best trailers in Europe. Isn't that great?"
"So you call me in the middle of my lesson to tell that? Isn't that a bit redundant?" I asked
"What did i say y/n? Don't talk to me like that. I did everything to make this film a succes"
"So did i" i cut him off
"And of course that was not the only thing i wanted to say. 1 day before the premiere we are going to watch the film in the cinema in Londen city. You have to go to Louis because there will wait a cab for you both. The bill is on us.
The cab will bring you two to a hotel room close to the cinema where everyone else is too. That's all!"
"Oh great! Thanks Samuel. I will be there! Have a nice day" i hung up because the teacher already came out to see if i was okey. I immediately went to my seat in class and followed the lesson again.

After school and all the compliments, i went home to my mom who will be very mad if i explain the fact i have to skip another two days for the premier.
"Mum are you home?" I screamed
"I'm upstairs" she yelled back
"Can you please come down, i have to tell you something!"
She came down and was her bloody self again
"If you are going to tell me you are pregnant, i don't want to hear anything" my mom rolled her eyes
"O my god mom"
"I was just joking" mum took her laundry
"Well let's go straight to the point: i have to skip another two days for the premier"
"Y/n, u can get suspended if u miss another two days? School is so important why don't you see that?" She sat down on the couch and sighed way to loud
"So now i can't follow my dreams anymore? I literally made up for EVERY lesson. I still have lots of A's."
"But what do you even mean you have to go 2 days earlier? I mean, that cost much money. How are you going to pay that?" She was already worrying
"The costs are on them. A cab comes to Louis to pick us up. Then we drive to a hotel in the heart of Londen and there are the other ones, i mean the others of the crew. We have to prepare lots of things so yeah"
"I totally get that but i mean."
I cut her off "i know mum i know. But next year will be totally normal again! I promise okey?"
"I'm counting on you girl" she asked me for a hug.

This day was literally so messy i don't even know. First my mom destroying my morning.
Second everyone complimenting me, even Christina!
Next the call of Samuel.
My mom worrying 'bout my grades and school.
And just all my lessons where i fell asleep uuugh.

Now i'm going to prepare my home work, byeee.

Authors note:
Okey you guys will or will not believe this but my wrist is bruised so typing is so difficult right now. But i'm trying my best. This one is so messy i'm so sorry but yeah.
Goodnight! Xx

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