Becks big break

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When I woke up this morning I couldn't hold back the smile I had on my face. Becks date on yesterday was incredible. He set up a picnic for us on the cliff and we watched the sunset. After that he took me back to his RV and we watched movies and cuddled. Now I get to see him again today in school.

I was having good day until a f-ing bee stung me. I don't know what it is with them but they love attacking me and now I'm in a pissy mood. I was sitting with Beck and Jade when Tori and Andre started walking towards us.

"Hey, sit" Becks says to them and point to our table. I groan.

"Ugh I don't want them to sitting here" Jade groans.

"Yeah" I agree.

"I love that you're so open with your bitterness. And what's up with you Sav?" Tori says.

"She's just grouchy because she got stung by a bee" Beck says rubbing my arm and I whine.

"See everybody but me! Come on bees, what's a guy gotta do to get stung!?" Andre say to the bees around us.

"Ooh script pages?" Tori asks taking Becks script that was laying on the table. He's auditioning for a part in a movie with Melinda Murray.

"No no not for you" Beck says taking them back.

"You auditioning for a play?" Tori asks

"Sorta. It's a movie" He answers and I smile proud of him.

"That's great! What movie?" She asks.

"I'm taking your pickle" Jade says and takes Tories pickle. I wanted that pickle. I pout and she rolls her eyes and splits it in half and gives it to me. I smile  my  and take a bite.

"So movie" Andre says ignoring Jade and I.

"It's called miss fire it's about this woman cop who gets fired and then goes on this crazy rampage" Becks answers.

"That's so cool, who plays the woman cop?" Tori asks.

"Melinda Murray" We say at the same time.

"Shut up!" Andre says in disbelief.

""You're gonna star with Melinda Murray in a movie?" Tori asks in shock.

""Well I'll be playing waiter number one and I'll only have two lines, that's if I get the part" He says.

"You will" I say and he smiles and kissed my cheek showing his gratitude.

"So where's the script I wanna read it?" Tori asks.

"Well you don't get the whole script unless you get the part. They only give you a few pages to audition with" Beck says. She nods and then a girl behind us yells.

"Ow! I just got stung by a bee!" She says.

"Oh her!? Really?!" Andre says to the bees. I roll my eyes and close my eyes and lean into Becks shoulder.


I was at my locker humming a song when I felt hands grab my waist and I yelped.

"Beck!" I lecture him and squirm away but couldn't help but smile. He quickly pecked my lips and then held up a thick stack of pages. My eyes widen in realization.

"Oh my god you got the part! I knew you'd get it!" I jump up and down and kiss him again.

"Thanks" He beams.

"Come on let's go tell Tori!" I say as I see Tori at her locker. He nods and we go over to her.

"Morning. Said you wanted to read the Miss Fire script" Beck says to her and I smile excitedly.

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