Tori the Zombie

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Our class was doing another play, and Beck and Tori got the main roles. And Robbie was.....also playing a part. No but for real, I'm really proud of this play so far. I was doing makeup and choreography. I know it was a lot to do, but no one else could do choreography except me because I had the most experience. And as for makeup, it's not that difficult, I mainly just need to make sure the three most important people in the play look their best. Right now we were rehearsing Robbie and Toris scene.

"I- I don't know" Tori's character says.

"Oh come on! Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?" Robbie's character says cockily.

"Why are you in love with me?" Tori asks

"Because, you're beautiful, look at your face in the moonlight"

"I can't" Toris says.

"You can" Robbie says.

"No, a person can't look at their own face, it's impossible."

"Then marry me I'll buy you a thousand mirrors"

"But that's so many!"

"My father a billionaire, I can give you everything you've ever wanted. And I'm very good looking" Robbie says and Tori hums.

"Yeah" She says not completely agreeing. (Okay on another not.....does anyone else find Robbie really attractive? Please don't judge me, Matt is such an attractive man. He plays a cute nerd echo his I find hot lol anyone else?)

"Think" He says to her.

"And lights go" our teacher says and Robbies spotlight goes and Becks turns on and his character comes to life.

"I don't know" Toris character repeats her words to Robbies'.

"It's okay that you don't know" He says.

"But you deserve an answer"

"I can wait. For you I would wait a thousand years"

"But that's so many!" Tori gasps.

"I know I'm poor. I know I don't have much to offer but.... I do love you" Beck says Tori turns away and sighs.

"Because I'm beautiful?" She scoffs.

"I don't love you because you're beautiful" He puts his hand on her shoulder mad she turns around to face him. "You're beautiful because I love you"

"Woah" Tori says in awe. Then disco started to play randomly and everyone looked up to Sinjin who was trying to frantically turn it off.

"What up with the disco?!" Jade yells at him.

"I'm sorry I hit the wrong thing!" He yells back.

"No! Fifteen years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" She yells back angrily.

"Alright, why don't we go take a break. Tori, Beck you guys were great, really nice stuff" Our teacher says and I furrow my eyebrows, what about Rob.

"How was I?" Robbie asks.

"I've seen worse" he says. I shake my head and go up to Robbie.

"Don't worry Robbie, I thought you did very well" I smile and Rex laughs.

"Is she serious?" Rex says.

"I genuinely am" I say and Robbie stands speechless. I walk over to Tori and Beck to congratulate them, but Jade spoke up.

"Guys guys, everyone shut up for a second" She says. I walk up to her and out my arm over her shoulders and look at her phone and gasp. No way!

"What?" Everyone asks curious.

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