The great ping pong scam

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When Tori and I walked through the halls we saw Robbie, Andre and Cat talking by the vending machines and we went over to say hi.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hey Sav, hey Tori" Cat says swinging her arm around my shoulder.

"Well after school I was thinking we should all go hang out at the grove. You wanna wanna?" Tori asks. The three hiss.



"We really can't" Cat says to her. I feel like I know what this is about.

"How come?" Tori asks.

"Well uh, we have ping pong practice" Robbie says. Everyone hums. It's true. Cat told me about ping pong and how they'd go to that fancy restaurant. I wonder if I could join?

"Shut up" Tori teases.

"It's true" Andre says.

"We're all on the Ping- pong team" Robbie says.

"Me, Andre, Robbie, Beck, Jade, and Savannah" Cat says.

"Wait when did I-" Cat shuts me off by shushing me. Okay then. Tori looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I shrug.

"There's no ping pong team at Hollywood arts" Tori says. The three laugh.

"Listen, Tori um, you're still kinda new here and there's some things that you just don't under-" Robbie cuts himself off mid-sentence. He leans closer to Tori and sniffs. "What kind of gum are you chewing?"

"I don't know Sinjin made it" She answers.

"You took gum..... from Sinjin?" I ask. She shrugs

"Smell her mouth" Robbie tells Rex. I cringe.

"Sure" He says and sniffs her gum chewing mouth. I don't know how Tori didn't smack him into another universe. "Hmm, smells like....that trip we took to Acapulco last year"

"Yes!" Robbie agrees.

"You have Mexican flavoured gum?!" Cat asks.

"Mexican's not a flavour!" Tori defends.

"Thank you" Sinjin appears and then walks away. He's so strange.

"Look, if you guys don't wanna hang out with me then just say so. Why make up a lie that your all on some ping pong team?" Tori says. We all look at each other not knowing what to say.

"Hey Tori!" Cat smiles.

"How's it going?"


"Hi?" I say confused as to why they won't tell her the truth. Tori nods her head with a fake smile.

"Okay so now you're going to pretend like were not having the conversation we're having?" She asks.

"About what?" My sister says.

"The big ping pong team lie!" Tori says frustrated before walking to her locker.

"Look, if you don't believe them, us, then go to the wreck room" I say.

"You can see all the trophies we've won" Cat says.

"First place" Andre says. She raises her eyebrows.



"Uh huh"


"Okay. Then I want to try out for the team" Tori smiles. We all hiss. "What?"

"Look if you want to try out for the ping pong team then you have to talk to the team captain" Robbie says.

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