Wi-fi in the sky

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This chapter contains mature content (VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED)

Also I'll probably switch around the plot of this episode because it's not really important. Ps, don't forget your holy water.


Beck and I were having another sleepover tonight. He was babysitting his neighbour's puppy while she was gone at cheer practice. The dog was fucking adorable. Tori and her sister where flying back from New York and she texted us saying she wasn't going to back until 11:00pm which was a problem because we were all supposed to be working on a script together. Andre told us that him and Tori were on video chat so we grabbed my computer and went online. We saw that Cat, Tori and Andre were online and they requested us to join. After a few seconds their faces popped up on the screen.

"You requested us to join" Beck says as he strikes the adorable puppy's head. I laughed at how adorable they looked together.

"Hey guys" Andre says.

"Hi" Tori waves.

"Hey Beck. Hey Savani" Cat says.

"Hey kit, how you holding up at home?" I ask.

"I made brownies" She giggles.

"You turned the oven off right?" I ask making sure.

"Duhhhh of course" She says.

"Is that a dog with you?" Tori asks.

"Awww look at the puppy" Cat awes.

"He's cute huh?" I smile.

"I know I am" Beck smirks. I scoff.

"Not you, ugly" I say kissing the puppies head. The three on the screen laugh. Beck only glares at me playfully.

"So cute" Tori ads to the puppy.

"Is he yours? Did you guys get a dog together already?" Andre asks.

"Ha! Don't give her any ideas" Beck says. I grin sinisterly. "And no, we're just watching him for my neighbour while she's at her cheerleading practice"

"You live next door to a cheerleader?" Andre raises an eyebrow.

"I do" Beck answers.

"Figures. I live next door to a one legged old man that throws lemons at me"

I laugh.

"So...what's up?" I ask. Wiggling my fingers at the puppy as he tries to attack them. I giggle at its cuteness. Beck look at me with a cheesy grin.

"Tori's plane is late and we need to get this script for class"

"Yeah so we're gonna do it here over video chat" Andre says. We nod and Neck hands the puppy over to me gently. I coo at it in my baby voice.

"Sound good" I say focusing again.

"Okay, I will type" Tori says.

"Cat read the assignment" Andre says.

"Kay kay" She says reaching over and grabbing a piece of paper. "It says.....write a single scenes script between 7 and 10 pages, the scene must involve a mystery, woooooo, use at least three characters and have a surprise plot twist"

"Got it" Beck says.

"We can do that" Andre agrees.

"Ideas?" Tori asks.

"Hey you guys wanna hear a cute joke?" Cat asks off topic.

"A joke?" I ask.

"Yeah, listen.....ok. What did the young shrimp say when his mom asked him why he wouldn't share any of his toys?" She asks.

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