Chapter Three

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April 2013

Scarlett has just left for her meeting early this morning and Romain woke up to Melanie crying in her crib. He gets out of bed and walks over to her rubbing his eyes.

"Hello baby girl"Romain coos gently rubbing his index finger on his one month olds cheek making her instantly stop crying.

"Aww you just wanted dada"Romain coos picking Melanie up and bouncing her up and down gently while putting her pacifier in her mouth.

"How about we go and see if mama is able to FaceTime and then we can see mama yea?"Romain asks rhetorically because he knows his one month old isn't going to answer him.

He walks downstairs and sits on the couch with Melanie in his arms.

He texts Scarlett to see if she is busy.


Romain: hey baby, our little munchkin is awake wants to see you. If you are free can we FaceTime?

Scarlett: hey baby, of course I can FaceTime , I'll call you know to see you and my baby girl xx

Scarlett is FaceTiming you
Answer?    Decline?

Romain answers the FaceTime and smiles at his beautiful fiancé.

"Hello baby"Scarlett says from the other side of the phone.

"Hello honey, here is you baby girl"Romain says pointing the phone to the little baby in his arms, she has her eyes open looking straight at her mama.

"Hello baby girl, did you sleep well?"Scarlett asks knowing she won't get an answer off her daughter.

Melanie just looks at her mama and stares at her with her cute big eyes.

Romain and Scarlett giggle at her before going off into their own conversation before Scarlett has to go.

"I'm sorry baby but I have to go, I'll be home for lunch time though, bye Melanie, mama loves you"Scarlett says before hanging up the phone because she really needed to go to her meeting.

"So it is just me and you baby"Romain says booping Melanie's nose smiling at his daughter.

He gets up with Melanie in his arms and walks over to the fridge where Scarlett had pumped some of her milk for Melanie for today.

He warms it in the microwave for a few seconds and then tests it on his wrist to make sure it isn't too hot or too cold.

He then puts the bottle to Melanie's lips and she gently suckles it to get the milk out.

Romain walks around the kitchen until Melanie is finished her bottle so he burps her and then puts the bottle into the sink.

"Dada has to do some work so you will be ok in your play pen for a bit won't you?"Romain asks rhetorically before putting Melanie down on the floor of her play pen in the living room.

He walks out and goes to his office to do some paperwork.

It has been around 20 minutes and Romain comes out of his office and makes himself a cup of coffee and some oatmeal before checking on Melanie really quickly and going back to his office.

It was around ten in the morning when Romain got his breakfast and checked on Melanie and it was now half twelve in the afternoon and Scarlett was arriving home when she hears some babies cries and screams coming from the living room.

She drops all of her things and runs to the living room seeing Melanie on the ground of her playpen with a cut forehead.

She runs to her and picks her up gently rocking her to calm her down and wipes the blood dripping on her face.

She angrily walks to Romain's office and bursts through the door.

"What the actual fuck Romain!?!, she has been crying for god knows how long and has somehow cut her forehead and you are just sitting here not looking after her!"Scarlett shouts at her fiancé, Romain looks up and is about to say something but Scarlett cuts him off.

Scarlett scoffs and walks out of his office and out of the house into her car to go to the hospital to get Melanie's forehead stitched up.

She pulls up to hospital and gets out of the car and then gets Melanie out of her car seat.

"Can someone help me?, my daughter she cut her forehead and it is really deep"Scarlett exclaims causing a nurse to come over to them.

"Oh that's a bad cut how did it happen?"The nurse asks.

"Well I went out for meeting and my fiancé was looking after her and left her alone for god knows how long and she somehow got this cut but trust me I ain't leaving her alone again"Scarlett explains angrily just thinking that Romain would just leave their one month old baby alone makes her angry.

The nurse nods and leads Scarlett over to bed where her and Melanie can wait for the doctor to come.

The doctor walks over with a smile on his face.

"Hello my name is Dr. Gilbert and I am here to stitch this little cuties forehead up"Dr. Gilbert says smiling at Melanie and then Scarlett.

He grabs his equipment and starts to stitch up Melanie's forehead, after a while he finishes the stitches and cleans the cut once more.

"There we go all done, you can come back in two weeks and then we will get her stitches out ok?"Dr. Gilbert says standing up, Scarlett nods and thanks yo before leaving the ER.

"I'm so sorry baby, mama will never leave your side again you hear me?"Scarlett coos stroking her daughter tear stained cheek.

Scarlett makes it back home and walks through the door with a sleeping Melanie in her arms.

She walks up the stairs and lays Melanie in her crib before walking back downstairs to where her fiancé is sitting.

"Scarlett I'm sorry I didn't hear her crying"Romain tries to explain himself but Scarlett is having none of it.

"You don't leave a one month old baby by themselves or any baby, toddler or child. She hurt herself and you could've prevented that but no you were too busy in your office to even look after your own daughter"Scarlett says angrily making sure not to raise her voice so that Melanie wouldn't wake up.

"I'm sorry Scarlett it won't happen again"Romain says looking down ashamed.

Scarlett walks over to him and pats his shoulder, she sighs before speaking.

"I know you're sorry baby but me and you both need to look after Melanie properly ok?"Scarlett says and watches as Romain nods his head before kissing her head.

"How about I make us some lunch and then we can watch some Scandal yea?"Scarlett suggests making Romain smile and nod.

Scarlett goes into the kitchen and makes grilled cheese sandwiches and brings them to the living area and sits beside Romain while he presses play on Scandal and they eat their grilled cheese sandwiches.

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