Chapter Twenty - Nine

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March 2014

It is now Wednesday and Melanie's cold has passed, Scarlett is now going to meet up with Romain to discuss custody and other things about Melanie and their new baby that has yet to be born.

Scarlett walks into the cafe she is meeting Romain in with Melanie in her car seat that Scarlett is holding, she sits at a table and waits for Romain turn up.

5 minutes later Romain turns up and sits with Scarlett, "Hello Romain"Scarlett says smiling slightly hearing Melanie's babbling, "Hello Scarlett, I'm guessing you just want to get to the point so you can go home earlier"Romain says making Scarlett nod.

"Okay so I'm thinking we can have shared custody, you have Melanie for 2 weeks and then I have her for the next 2 weeks and we continue with going from those 2 weeks each but when our new baby is born you can be there for the birth but they will have to stay with me until at least 9 months because they need me and my milk for nutrients"Scarlett explains, Romain thinks for a minute before agreeing with Scarlett because he feels that is far.

"It's settled, you can have Melanie the first 2 weeks of February and then I will take her back and we go back and forth from there"Scarlett says shaking Romain's hand, she grabs Melanie's car seat and walk out of the cafe and puts Melanie's car seat back into the car and then gets into the drivers seat to go home to Elizabeth.

Scarlett drives home and gets Melanie out of her car seat and brings her back into the house where she finds Elizabeth sat watching tv.

"Hey baby how was the talk with Romain?"Elizabeth asks taking Melanie out of Scarlett's arms so Scarlett can sit down comfortably, "It was good surprisingly, we have agreed that we will have her two weeks each and when the new baby is born he can be there for the birth but the baby will have to stay with me and you for the first 9 months because of the breastfeeding and stuff and then Melanie and the new baby will both go back and forth from me and Romain"Scarlett explains to Elizabeth, Elizabeth nods and wraps her free arm around Scarlett's shoulder bringing her into her side.

"Just chill out baby, at least you have everything sorted and ready for next month"Elizabeth says, Scarlett nods and leans her head onto Elizabeth's shoulder while they watch tv together with a babbling Melanie.

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