7-A Walk In The Park

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I groan reaching up and grabbing my head. 

Hangovers are the worst. 

Flipping over in bed I lay on my stomach. How much did I have to drink last night?

Breathing in the warm smell of cinnamon and spice I freeze. 

My dorm definitely doesn't smell like that. Is Jasmine making cinnamon rolls?

Turning back over on my back I sit up.

Ok this is one hundred percent not my dorm.

I was in a foreign bed, no a foreign loft. 

The bed was upstairs and when I looked down from the railing I could see a kitchen and living room. 

The stairs began to creak and my heart quickened. 

Cole appears with a cup of water and a bottle of aleve.

"Oh no you are a kidnapper, I have been kidnapped." I say as I begin to stand up before looking down. 

I am no longer in my shirt and shorts from last night but instead in a man's t-shirt. 

Looking back at him, Cole smirks setting the water and two tablets on the nightstand. He sits on the edge of the bed. 

"Did we?" I ask and his quirks and eyebrow clearly amused, "Did we what?"

I groan flopped back down on the bed, and he laughs.

"Just answer the question." I say and I hear him sigh, "What is the last thing you remember from last night?"

I sit back up thinking about the events of last night. 

"Umm I asked you to dance." He nods, "And then?" I shrug, "I don't remember. Did we dance?"

He shakes his head, "Why not?"

"I don't dance."

"I know you can." I sing but he doesn't look amused.

Rolling my eyes I continue, "Anyway what happened after that?"

"Well then you went off and danced alone, after a while you came back to tell me you were tired." I nod and he continues, "Jasmine had already left with Kai so I said I'd take you home except once we were in the car you refused to tell me what dorms you lived in."

"I did?" I ask confused.

"Yep so then I took you back here and the moment we walked in you began to strip because you claimed it was too hot, then proceeded to pass out on the couch."

I cringe, "Oh."

Definitely not my finest moment. 

"I carried you upstairs and then got one of my t-shirts for you."My eyes widen, "Did you sleep in the bed too?"

He laughs shaking his head, "No but I bet you would've liked that wouldn't you've Shortcake?"

I roll my eyes hitting his arm, the movement makes my head spin. 

Reaching out I grab the two tablets and glass of water. 

"So where did you sleep?" I ask and he points down stairs, "On the couch."

Looking over the railing I see a pillow and blanket laid on the couch. 

"Sorry." I say. He's probably so mad about that being kicked out of his own bed. 

He shrugs, "It was the gentlemanly thing to do." He jokes. 

My phone buzzes and I see it's a message from Jasmine. 

Jaz: where are u? I had the best sex of my life and need to tell u all about it."

Me: at Cole's and no we did not have sex, should be home soon. 

Jaz: Oooo lover boys house stay out as long as u want my story can wait

"Do you want any breakfast?" Cole asks scratching the back of his head. He seems so out of place, as if he's never had to do this before. 

He probably hasn't hence why he looks awkward. 

I shrug, "What do you have?"

He looks down at his kitchen then back up to me, "I can make an omelet."

"Sounds good." I say and we head down stairs. 

I try to not focus on the fact that I am only in my underwear and his t-shirt which comes to my mid thighs. 

Sitting down on the stool by the counter, I watch Cole make us breakfast. 

We talk a little before we at. 

Taking a bite I have to hold back a moan, this is one of the best omelets I have ever eaten. 

"This is so good." I say and looks over at me shrugging, "It's ok."

I gap at him, "Ok it rivals Caleb's omelets and he's in cooking school."

Cole's eyebrows furrow, "Caleb?"

I swallow my bite of food, "My older brother."

"Ah." he nods in understanding. 

After we finish I change into my shorts but keep Cole's shirt on. It's super comfy and he hasn't said anything about it. 

Since it comes down so far I tie the front in a knot as we head out of his loft.

Next to his complex is a cute park. 

"Oooo lets go walk through the park." I say heading towards the park before he can say no. 

We walk down the concert path and I take in the nice weather. 

"So why are you in Alabama? Aren't bands supposed to be touring everywhere?" I ask randomly.

Cole whips his head over to me, "That's not how that work." I roll my eyes, "Well still what brought you to Alabama?"

"I'm from here." My eyes widen, "No way, I mean that sort of makes sense, your brother is here."

I had just assumed he came down because his brother went to school here. After realizing he had a whole loft here I was confused. 

"Where are you from?" He asks.

"Texas." I say and he hums, "Do you ever visit?" I shake my head.

"Why not?" I fidget with the fringe on my shorts. "Bad memories." He nods almost in understanding. 

Deciding I needed to get the spotlight off my of me I ask, "So when did you start your band?"

"Well Kai and I used to play music at his house all the time. Then one day we decided we wanted to start a band. It's kind of hard with just two people so he asked his friend Spencer if he wanted to join. Spencer already knew how to play the drums and was down to be apart of a band. He also recruited his girlfriend Georgie's younger brother River, since he knew River played the guitar."

I nod, "How old is River?"

"Eighteen, we started the band four years ago. I was nineteen, Spencer was seventeen, Kai was nineteen, and River was only fourteen." 

"He was so young." Cole nods, "He did homeschooling while we were out trying to get discovered."

"So Spencer has been with Georgie for years?"

"Yeah since they were thirteen."

I hum as we round a corner in the park. 

We continue walking until we get back to the entrance. 

Cole offers to drive me home and I accept. 

We say goodbye as I make my way to the dorms. Jasmine is sitting on her bed when I get home. 

She tells me all about her night with Kai. Even though it was good they mutually agreed it wouldn't happen again. 

That night I fall into a dreamless sleep wearing Coles shirt. 

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