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We dance until my feet hurt. 

Cole is still keeping something to himself, I can tell. He's nervous and I have no idea what for. 

Maybe it's about he ambience of the date. He put so much effort into it with the lights and the candles I love it. 

"I don't think I could ever get sick of seeing you in a suit." I say taking in his all black suit once more. 

I think Cole could wear a potato sack and I'd still be in love.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years?" Cole asks and I laugh, "Isn't this what the guidance councilors ask you in high school?" I tease. 

He plays with the strap of my dress nervously and I realize I should just answer. 

"Well I see myself designing dresses for who I am not sure yet. I see myself living in a nice house, not too big. I also see my self with you." I say the last part in a whisper. 

Cole's hazel eyes meet mine. 

"You see yourself with me?" He asks and I nod, "Yeah, so where do you see your self in ten years?" I ask amusing. 

"With you." He says as if he knows I am apart of his future. 

He takes a deep breath, "Delilah I have to ask you something."

"Ok." I say hesitantly. 

He takes a step back and now I am nervous. 

"Before you freak Cal already knows." Know's what?

"Delilah I know we haven't known each other that long but it feels like I have known you my whole life. Everyday that I get to wake up beside you is the best day of life and I want to do that forever, with you."

Cole bends down onto one knee. 

He is actually bending down. 

Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a ring box. 

Opening it, he reveals a emerald diamond ring. 

"Delilah Scarlett Anders, will you marry me?" He asks and I stand there frozen. 

The only word that escapes me is, "Oh."

He looks even more nervous as he as he continues to bend on one knee. 

Cole just proposed to me. 

'Isn't it a little fast.' Jasmines voice rings in my head. 

We moved in together about a month ago. 

"I-" I start but then I do the one thing I am good at I run away. 

He calls out my name but I don't turn my head, I keep running in these stupid heels that hurt my feet. 

Once I find a side walk I just follow that not knowing where I am going. 

Cole wants to marry me. Like for realsies. 

Thoughts of senior year come back. Of the first time I got married. 

I know I shouldn't be thinking about that, he's not Cole. 

Jasmine's words also begin to get louder in my head as I continue to walk. 

She thought it was too soon when I was just moving it. Was it too soon? 

Now marriage, everyone probably thinks that's crazy. They'd probably think I'm crazy for thinking of getting married at twenty. 

My feet begin to throb and I take off my heels. 

My heart drums in my chest as I think about him getting down on one knee. Should I have seen it coming?

The fancy dinner, the way he was asking so nervous. 

I take a turn still lost in my own thoughts.

I know I have to talk to someone about this. I need to. 

My mind can only think of one person I would want to ask advice from. 

That's when I realize I need to call Bailey. 

She would know what to say and how to help me figure everything out. She's always been good at that. 

Pulling out my phone I search for her contact. 


A/N Super short chapter

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