47-Say Yes To The Dress

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We are going dress shopping. 

Well not dress shopping exactly, more like window shopping for ideas. I plan to make my own dress. 

Jasmine, Haley, and Amber are coming with me. Bailey is FaceTiming me as well since she can't be here. 

As I get ready to leave I get a text from Cole letting me know he'd be home at about four. He and the band are rehearsing for their gig tomorrow night. 

Grabbing my bag I head down stairs to my car. 

I pick up Jasmine and we head to the shop. Haley and Amber are meeting us there. 

Haley and I are still rocky but I asked her to come and she accepted the invitation which is a start. 

"This is so going to be like an episode of Say Yes To The Dress." She says and I roll my eyes. 

"I am not getting a dress today remember this is just for ideas." I say. 

I finishes the sketches for the bridesmaids dresses which means I can now start creating them. It also gives me time to sketch a wedding dress. 

Pulling up to the shop I see that Haley and Amber are already there. 

We greet each other before heading inside. 

Picking out a bunch of dresses I head into the changing room. 

The first one I put on is a sleeveless ball gown, Jasmines choice.

I now see that ball gowns and I don't mix. 

Stepping out to show them the first dress everyone gasps but Bailey. 

"Babe you look like you are about to trip over that thing." She says and I glare at her even though I can't see her. Amber is currently holding the phone up so Bailey can see every dress as well. 

"Don't glare I know you hate it too."

"I hate that you're right." I say and disappear to try on another dress. 

This one is off the shoulder and has long sleeves. I like it but something is missing. 

Stepping back out Amber is the first to speak, "I love it."

"Me too." Bailey says and I look at myself in the mirror. It is gorgeous. I have Jasmine take some videos and pictures of it for reference before trying on the next one. 

The moment I put it on I take it off. The neckline made me look funky. 

I put on another dress one Haley picked out. It's a short sleeve lace dress. I don't love the sleeves, but I love the lace. 

Everyone awes over it and I get some videos and pictures of this one for reference as well. 

thirteen dresses later and I am exhausted. 

I decide to try on one more before calling it a day. It's a long sleeve lace ball gown. I hate the ball gown but the lace sleeves are gorgeous. 

Showing everyone they all agree that it definitely needs to make an appearance on my dress. 

After I take that dress off we shop for shoes. Both for me and the bridesmaids. We decide all the bridesmaids will wear a simple white close toed heal. Then I pick mine out. They're are close toed as well but have silver swirls on the back and down the heel. 

On the ride back I have Jasmine drive while I look over the dresses I liked trying to figure out what my own dress will look like. 

Jasmine gets out of the car saying goodbye before heading up to the dorms. 

Once I am back at the apartment I sit down and continue to stare at the elements of each dress I loved. 

I want this dress to be perfect. I want it to be personal something that reflects me. 

At four Cole gets home. 

"How was dress shopping?" He asks and I turn off my phone. "Good."

"Can I see the pictures?" He ask and I shake my head, "Why not?"

"you can't see the dress until the wedding. Some of those pictures contain spoilers." He gasps, "No way."

Rolling my eyes I follow him to the bathroom where we decide to shower together. Showering with someone is so fun. 

After that we sit down in the living room and find a movie to watch. 

"How was Haley?" He asks and I shrug, "She wasn't very vocal on her opinions but she was there. That's what counted." I say and he nods. 

Snuggling closer to him, he wraps his arms around me. 

"Seven months ago could you have ever seen us here? You know together getting married?" I ask Cole. 

He looks down at me, "Shortcake the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to be with you." 

I snort, "Lies." He shakes his head, "You were standing there in that blue dress, and your hair that reminded me of that strawberry shortcake doll." I hit his arm my heart beating erratically. 

"My hair is not that dark it's strawberry blonde." I retort. 

"Strawberry blonde, strawberry shortcake same thing." He says, "You didn't know who I was well pretending you didnt." He says and I laugh. 

A while ago I admired that I knew who he was but I didn't want him to get a big head about it. 

"You're emerald eyes were so full of humor that night. The thing I remember most is wanting to kiss you." He says and I nod, "Sure." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm serious but then I got the vibe that if I did you might've slapped me." He says and honestly at that time it might've been true. 

Or I could've kissed him back I have no idea. 

"Imagine if I never insta stalked you, we probably wouldn't be here." I say and he looks down, "What?" I ask and he chuckles, "I actually insta stalked you first. 

I gasp, "No you didnt when?" I ask.

"The night of the party, when I got home." I stare at him in disbelief. 

"This whole time." I say and he laughs before leaning in and kissing me. 

After a while he pulls away. 

"I love you." I say and he kisses my cheek, "I love you too."

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