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I know what I have to do. 

After hanging up with Bailey I make my way to my car, headed straight to the apartment. 

She was right love has no timeline, when it's meant to be its meant to be. I know I want to be with Cole forever. He's my forever. 

I speed my way through three yellow lights. Whoops. 

Pulling up to the apartment I take a deep breath. I want forever with this man. Forever. Forever. Forever

Getting out of the car I practically sprint inside and up to his place. 

I knock on the door so loud I am worried the neighbors might hear, oh well. 

Cole opens the door and I get deja vu. It's like the time I came here to tell him about my past. Him standing there waiting for me to say something. 

He's still in his slacks and the blue button up. 

"Yes." I breathe out, no really I am out of breath from all that running. 

He stares at me confused, "Yes?"

I nod, "Yes, yes to forever with you."

I swear the smile that takes over his face could makes anyones heart soar. 

Scooping me into his arms, he kisses me. 

Then he pulls away to look at me, I am still wrapped in his arms. 

"Are you sure?" I smile, "One thousand percent. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I say. 

I really mean it. 

Then I am being carried up to his bed. 

Cole opens his nightstand and pulls out the ring box. Opening it he takes out the ring. 

"Will you marry me Delilah Anders?" He asks and I nod, "Yes, yes a million times yes." I hug him close to me. 

Parting he slips the emerald and diamond ring onto my finger. Then he tackles to me the bed. 

"I need this off." He says tugging at the hem of my dress. I sit up so he can unzip it before pulling it off of my body. 

I use that opening to unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders. I run my finger over his humming bird tattoo. 

Next thing I know my underwear and his pants are off. 

Cole begins to kiss his way down my body and I squirm beneath him. 

He gets to my hip and stills, then he looks up at me, "You got a tattoo?"

I nod. 

I got it done the day before our date, it was supposed to be a surprise. 

It's nothing big, just a small one on my hip. No words either just a small little infinity sign. 

"Forever." he whispers kissing it, "Forever." I say back. 

Oh gosh are we turning into one of those mushy couples? Probably. 

I don't even have time to dwell because his head is now in-between my legs. 

"Oh." I moan throwing my head back as he drags the flat of his tongue against me. 

My fingers grip his hair and he inserts a finger into me. I ride his finger as he sucks my clit. 

In and out. In and out. The process continues but begins to speed up, until I feel my self letting go screaming his name. 

The neighbors definitely heard that. 

He comes up above me resting his forehead on mine, "Hi." 

"Hi." He says before plunging into me. My back arches off the mattress as he drives in and out of me. 

"I want an indoor wedding." I grit out and Cole laughs, "Whatever you want."

"And I don't want roses because they're cliche and honestly I love iris' can we do those instead?" I ask clinging to his shoulders. 

Cole's forehead is still pressed against mine, "Like I said baby whatever you want."

"What do you want?" I ask and he leans down pecking my lips, "You."

Then I lose myself again as Cole continues to thrust in and out of me. 

His thrusts begin to speed up until he too loses himself. 

We come down from our high and he pulls out of me, laying down beside me. 

Turning on our side we both face each other. I reach out tracing his tattoos. 

"What made you change your mind?" He asks and I smile, "I was never going to say no, I was just scared. I knew whatever happened you were my forever. I think I just needed to process everything."

He nods running his hand down the curves of my body, "I would want to be with you either way. Married or not, it wouldn't change how I feel about you." He says and I rest my head on the pillow. 

"I know." He rests his on a pillow too. 

After a while I say, "You know I always sit here and wish we could just lay here together forever."

Cole looks up at me, "We could if you want."

Eventually the two of us drift off to sleep. 

I don't dream that night but if I had I would think it would be a good dream. 

The next day I spend on the phone with Cal. I tell him about the proposal and the engagement. He asks when the wedding is and I tell him it won't be for a few months. 

Cole and I decided we wanted to get married this summer. That it made sense. We make sense. 

It's still February so we have five months. We want to have a wedding in July. I love July weather. 

Bailey said she's on board with any time we want. She said no matter when, she'd be there. 

We still have other things too. Like talking to his family, I still want Haley to like me. 

I think I'll wait for that though because right now I just want to celebrate being engaged to Cole. 

I can't believe I can say that. I am engaged. 

I love it. 

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