22-Night In

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"I think I might be pregnant." Those words just left Jasmines lips. 

Yep they sure did. 

I stare at her in shock, "Why do you think that?" I ask her. 

She sniffles rubbing the back of her hand under her nose. I place my hand on her back rubbing soothing circles on it. 

"We were careful, I promise. It's just I missed my period." She says crying harder. "Did you buy a pregnancy test yet?" I ask slowly. 

Jasmine looks up at me then nods over to her bag, "But I am too scared to take it."

I feel so bad for her in this moment. She must be so scared. 

Standing I head over to her bag and pull out the box, "Do you want me to come with you when you take it?" I ask.

She doesn't respond verbally but I see a small nod. 

Walking up to her I hook my arm in hers hauling her to her feet, "Ok then lets go." 

Quickly she shakes her head, "I can't."

"Babe you need to know ok, the fast we do this the faster you can know for sure if you're pregnant." I say trying to drag her out of the dorm room. 

The thing about Jasmine is she loves to avoid her problems. I get that but when it's something this serious you can't just brush it under the rug. 

Reluctantly she follows me to the bathrooms. 

I hand her the box and she enters one of the stalls. 

Sitting on the counter I text Cole. 

Me: thinking about you

It's true ever since our make out session was interrupted I couldn't stop thinking about it. His hands on my body, his lips, his tongue. 

A shudder runs through me. I need to get a grip. 

Colebeans: come over?

Oh if only I could. 

Me: can't :/ Jasmine is having a crisis. 

Colebeans: what happened?

Me: not sure yet but she's upset. 

Colebeans: see you tomorrow?

Me: Definitely 

Jasmine emerges from the bathroom stall and I set my phone down. 

She places the tests on the counter and stares at them. 

Luckily no one else is in here.

"It'll be ok no matter the result." I try to comfort her. It doesn't work. 

"No it won't be Del, Louis will never stay with me if I am pregnant. I'll have to drop out and I'll be alone and I just-" She breaks out in sobs. 

"You won't be alone. You'll always have me." I say and she shakes my head, "You and Cole will be too busy together. Then you'll forget all about me."

"I won't Jazz, you know this."

Before she can say anything else the timer on my phone I set goes off. 

"Can you look?" She asks and I nod. 

Flipping over the tests I take a deep breath. 

"Negative." I say and she visibly relaxes, "I still think you should go to the doctor to be sure." I say and she nods. 

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