42-Meeting For Breakfast

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Cole and I have been engaged for two weeks. 

Turns out the rest of the band knew his plans, which makes sense since they helped set up the date in the first place.

Cole still hasn't told his family, we have plans to tell them during my spring break next month. 

Another thing I had decided was that I wanted to talk to Jasmine. I miss her and honestly I want to know why she basically cut me off. 

I texted her asking if we could meet at the coffee house on campus for breakfast and she actually agreed. 

That's where I am going today. 

I hope whatever is wrong we can move past it because despite how some people feel about her, Jasmine has been there for me. I would want her at the wedding. 

As I start to get ready, I get a text from Cole. 

Colebeans: Miss you

Cole and the band have been checking out places to live in California. They left two days ago and get back Saturday which is three days away. 

They aren't moving there until September but Kai said he wanted to find a place as soon as possible. Cole said he's really picky about where he lives. 

I guess when they moved back here and Kai got an apartment he checked everything before he decided to rent it. 

Anyways this week is a test to see how long distance will treat us. 

I really miss him. 

I send him a text saying, 'Miss you too.' before picking out an outfit. 

Going with a pair of jean shorts and one of Cole's sweaters, I slip on my vans. 

As I head out to the car I throw my hair in a bun. 

Just as I reach campus I get a text from Jasmine letting me know she's at the coffee shop. 

The bell dings over my head as I step inside. I see the booth Jasmine is sitting at and wave at her. She waves back. 

"I'm going to go get a coffee real quick." I tell her before going to order my coffee.

Once I have it I take a seat across from her, taking a sip of my drink.

"So how have things been?" I ask as if we haven't known each other since freshman year. As if we were just acquaintances making small talk. 

"Um well Louis and I broke up." My jaw drops but she continues, "Then we got back together, it was sort of a misunderstanding."

Oh ok. 

"So what about you?"

I show her my hand with the ring, "No freaking way." She says pulling my hand closer to inspect the ring. 

"Yeah it happened two weeks ago. Can you believe it?"

She shakes her head, "He really proposed? You guys are getting married? When?"

"July. I know they always say have a long engagement but I don't want to wait and neither does Cole." It's true I know usually you wait a certain amount of time after you are engaged to get married, but Bailey was right. 

We shouldn't base what we do on anyone else's opinion. What ever works for us. 

"And I was wondering if you wanted to be a brides maid." I say hesitantly. I still don't know where we stand but I want her a part of my wedding. 

She looks up at me shocked, "You really want me to be a brides maid?"

I nod, "Of course your one of my closest friends."

She breaks off pieces of her scone, "Even after the whole moving out thing?"

"Were you mad that I moved out?" I ask and she shakes her head, "I mean I knew it was coming you were rarely at the dorms and your relationship with Cole was really taking off, it made sense I guess."

I furrow my brows, "Then why did you tell me it was too fast?"

She smiles timidly, "This is going to sound so stupid but I was worried that if you moved in you would have no time for me. Pathetic right?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I will always have time for you Jazz, I was just ready to take that next step with Cole."

She nods in understanding, "I am sorry for that whole thing I just felt like if I tried to cut you off then I wouldn't have to sit and wait for you to eventually do it."

"I would never cut you off." I say and she shakes her head, "Not intentionally." 

"Babe never, like I said you are one of my closest friends. I could never do that to you." I say and she nods taking a breath. 

I take a sip of my coffee, the warm liquid running down my throat. 

"So we're ok?" I ask skeptically. 

She smiles, "Yeah we're ok."

"Ok good because I need you to help me plan my wedding." I say and she laughs, "Of course I will help."

We talk for a little while longer until Jasmine has to leave to head to class. 

"I'll see you later." She says as she walks out of the coffee shop. 

Since I don't have any classes until later I decide to go down to the mall. 

I stop at my favorite fabric store getting some stuff to sew. 

One of my projects coming up requires me to sew the dress I had sketched a couple weeks back. Which turned out to be a success because my professor loved the designs and the sketch. 

After choosing the fabrics and materials I need I head back to the apartment where I start putting the dress together. 

I decide to order pizza for dinner as I sit on the living room floor, fabric scattered everywhere. 

I finished half the dress by the time I realize it is already one a.m. and I have morning classes tomorrow. 

The next day I go to my classes before coming back to the apartment to finish the dress. 

Once it's done I send a picture to Bailey and Cole. 

Cole says its' pretty and Bailey sends a bunch of emojis before asking me what my plans are for my wedding dress. 

I want to go wedding dress shopping but at the same time I want to make my own dress. Something personal and me. 

I think I'll wait until next month to think about dresses. 

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